BASFA Meeting Amtrak-6 Minutes August 27, 2012 Meeting Amtrak-6 of the Bay Area Science Fiction Association was held in the lower level of the lounge car of the California Zephyr. The meeting was called to order on August 27, 2012 at 7:17 PM as the train pulled out of Denver Union Station, Vice President Chris Garcia presiding and President Emeritus, etc. Kevin Standlee acting as Secretary. 9 people (including Kuma Bear) attended, plus those people crossing through the lounge to get to the restroom. After a tie vote broken by the presiding officer, a party jar was established. Previous Minutes This being an out-of-sequence meeting, there are no previous minutes to approve. Officer Reports Vice President There is no The Drink Tank out because the train has no internet access and therefore the editor hasn't been able to reach his image files. Committees The Sports Committee reminds people that the outing to the Giants-Cubs game is for Friday afternoon. People attending the Friday Business Meeting will probably be late. New Business None Announcements There's a convention going on around us: TrainCon! There's a Worldcon coming this weekend! In Chicago! Chris announced that, when he asked for news from the outside world, EspaƱa Sheriff said that The Singularity has been reached, which is pretty cool. Reviews Diane reviewed Amtrak as "way too much fun, worth full price, not matter how steep" and great food on board. Moon Maze Game (Niven & Barnes): Another amazing Dream Park novel. Lisa D-H said, "Other than the fact that I got motion sickness and the upper bunk was a little harder that I would have liked, it's been fun." Chris said the upper bunk was better than he thought it would be. Diane said that having good company makes the trip better. Auctions Today is Kevin's 47th birthday, but the consensus was that it was better for the club if we postponed the auction until the meeting at Chicon next Monday. (Time and place of said meeting to be determined.) Rumor of the Week Kuma Bear will shortly announce a new bid for a Worldcon. Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 7:33 PM, which means it started 27 minutes before it was originally scheduled to start.
Kevin Standlee Emergency Holographic Secretary
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