Meeting 1151
August 20, 2012

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy),

Began 8ish - wide awake in a world that sleeps
we established a party jar

25 people attended

The minutes of meeting 1150 were accepted as 'no slash, so I stopped

the proxy Treasurer report is that last week we took in $24.33 in the
regular jar & $35.50 in the party jar

The VP mentioned a rumor - because he can't find things - and we said 'Hi
Lynda' - then he said other rumors and there was much chortling

Andy moved that Chris be named Ambassador to Lynda & it passed

The President had nothing fannish to report & reminded folks to pay for
their dinners - or else we will be put onto a single tab

The AdHoc Cinema Committee reported that 'Monty Python & the Holy Grail' is
showing at the Retrodome this weekend & they will be there for the
Saturday, 7:30 showing

Josh announced that he & JC have done a podcast about fandom & they go
'live-ish' tonight - check

Chris announced that he is running Fanzine Lounge at ChiCon/Worldcon -
there will be readings from fannish history - announced that Phyllis Diller

Ken announced that this Friday is a Legion of Rasselon meeting - 7:30 at
the Carl's Jr at 1st & Trimble & there will be no 5th Friday meeting there

Geri announced that a costume shop - Debbie Lynn's Closet - is closing [in
Sunnywale on Evelyn]

Harold announced that the Giants were leading 1-0 at the top of the 5th

[tall] Kevin announced that he's been busy but that Worldcon will have
video streaming & the Hugo Awards site will be doing a live text-based
coverage of the Hugos [6pm Sunday here, 8pm Sunday there & Cheryl is the

Carole announced that she has 2 art show panels of artistic scarves at
Worldcon, will be on 4 panels & also be a workmanship judge for the

Dave C reviewed 'The Bourne Legacy' as he wants his money back; reviewed
the new 'Batman' movie as he was disappointed by it & reviewed 'Manos,
Hands of Fate' as the most enjoyable movie he saw this week - it was worth
full price & he also reviewed a book - 'Guards, Guards' by Pratchett as
really interesting and fun

Carole reviewed her brunch yesterday as positive & it weirded her out

Adrienne reviewed 'Moonlight Kingdom' as she enjoyed it - it's a cute
little quirky movie & worth at least matinee & she reviewed the 1st season
of 'Cheers' as it holds up and was worth what she paid for it

[evil] Kevin reviewed the Retrodome showing of 'Victor, Victoria' - as he
had a great time there & it was worth full price - he also announced that
he will be on a number of Worldcon panels & host a Kaffeeklatch; then HE
was reviewed as looking lovely in drag at the Retrodome showing; Chuck
agreed that [evil] Kevin looked gorgeous & that the movie was great

Mo reviewed the 'Grimm' season opener as TV's 1st furry show - with great
characters and plot - & reviewed Mary Shelley's 'Frankenstein' as amazed
with how much presentations citing the book have been changed over the
years & recommends that people actually -read- the whole book - worth full

We birthday auctioned off Bill for $6.00 to Carole & did other auctions

we adjourned at 9:12 pm

and the rumor of the week was:  'In an alternate dimension, Phyllis Diller
was in a 'Dr Who' episode, appearing as herself'

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