Meeting 1150
August 13, 2012

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy),

Began 8ish - with a magnetic knife

we established a party jar
28 people attended

The minutes of meeting 1149 were accepted as 'I can't leave you people
alone for a minute'

the proxy Treasurer report is that last week we took in $46.20 in the
regular jar

The VP has a new issue of 'Drink Tank' out- about 'Bill & Ted's Excellent
Adventure' and should have another issue out before Worldcon - plus the
next 'Exhibition Hall' will be mostly about Jack the Ripper

The President reminded folks to pay for their dinners - or else we will be
put onto a single tab

The AdHoc Cinema Committee reported that 'Victor, Victoria' is showing at
the Retrodome this weekend & they will be there for the Sunday, 2:30
showing - and Howeird approved - plus next weekend they will show 'Monty
Python & the Holy Grail'

[tall] Kevin moved to annex the California Zephyr, Amtrack #6, Aug 26 to be
the Bay Window - for purposes of a BASFA meeting there & it passed

Harold announced rumors about playtimes for 'Iron Sky' - they need 60 for a
showing & are trying to get one in Sacramento [for more info check =]

Adrienne announced that the Giants are losing 11-0 in the 4th inning & that
she booked the suite at the Hampton Court for Aug 22-26, 2014 after the
England 2014 Worldcon and would like room mates for that

Ric announced that PechaKucha[chacha] will do an event in SJ, Friday Sept
14 at the SJ City Hall - the 2nd day of the SJ01 festival

Aetheus announced that Rifftracks live will have 'Manos Hands of Fate'
shown in 600 theatres this Thurday

Valerie announced that she has another book published - 'Harry Potter,
Still Recruiting' - a collection of interviews

Ed announced that his tshirt is awesome, as is the organization it is from
- Vision Quest Ranch - they exist to help veterans

Howeird announced that the Raiders lost, mentioned some birthdays &
announced that he is cast in 'Anything Goes', opening Sept 15 at the
Saritoga City Hall

Dave C announced that Dapperday in Disneyland will be Friday, Sept 7

Mo announced that she got her award from WinkieCon - an Oz Fluxx game

Dave C reviewed 'Among Others' by Walton as 'meh' & reviewed a panel show,
'What You Have Been Watching' is up on Youtube as fascinating and appalling

Howeird reviewed the 'Princess Bride' at the Retrodome as a hoot and then
the Bawdy cast 'Rocky Horror' afterwards as a total fail, reviewed Scalzi's
'Red Shirts' as he enjoyed it - especially the multiple codas at the end -
worth full price & reviewed Thailand as humid, with too many steps

Valerie reviewed 'Ascendio' - a Harry Potter con in Florida as she was on
many, many panels & events & didn't see much of the con & reviewed
'LeakyCon' - another Harry Potter con - as 15,000 teenaged girls squeeing
constantly & she also spoke at it 6 times

Ric reviewed 'Immortals' as a beautiful filk & that's about it, he
recommended video streaming it & reviewed 'Exodus' as very long and a very
good story - a wonderful movie & highly recommended

Mo reviewed 'Casa de Mia Padre', as very funny

Ken reviewed serving & pouring wine as they were very popular & got to take
some home with them & reviewed going to the Saturday, KFJC's audience
appreciation party at the Homestead Lanes as he enjoyed it & also enjoyed
the Friday Retrodome 'Princess Bride' that was incredibly popular [rodents
of unusual size were mentioned] & he then gave Andy his birthday card

JC reviewed 'The Perfect Host' as a fantastic little movie [with David Hyde

We birthday auctioned off Andy for $10.00 to [evil] Kevin & did other

we adjourned at 10:01 pm

and the rumor of the week was:  'We have a bid in the back' [thank you,

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