No, it's definitely not a threat. If anything, it should help create new buzz for local Who fans, especially since this Meetup group is located in San Francisco.
I heard Las Vegas was on a serious downswing when Atlantic City legalized gambling. When Atlantic opened its casinos, business in Nevada improved too. I think it will work the same way for Bay Area fan groups. Adrienne --- On Sat, 8/4/12, Ken Patterson <> wrote: From: Ken Patterson <> Subject: Re: [Basfa] New DOCTOR WHO Meetup group To: "BASFA" <> Cc: "Legion of Rassilon" <> Date: Saturday, August 4, 2012, 2:12 PM I don't see any reason to panic. The Bay Area's a big place, and if Doctor Who fans want to meet more often than the LoR's monthly (occasional twice monthly) meeting - then YAY!!! -Ken On 4 Aug, 2012, at 2:00 PM, Adrienne Foster wrote: Hey there. A new Doctor Who group just formed on 29 July and already has almost 100 members. For more details, go to: Should Legion of Rassilon be on its guard? Adrienne -----Inline Attachment Follows----- _______________________________________________ Basfa mailing list
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