Meeting 1141 June 11, 2012 Trey Haddad, President Chris Garcia, Vice President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale
Began 8-ish, with zap gun lite We established a party jar 25 people attended The minutes of meeting 1140 were accepted as 'last transit of Venus and I'll meet you at the station' the Treasurer reported that last week we took in $49.62 in the regular jar and $32.25 in the party jar The VP reported 'hello' and that 'it was a dark time' - but there is a new 'Drink Tank' out with a Mo cover & his computer was stolen & he had to rewrite stuff The President had nothing fannish to report & we greeted a new guy who decided not to talk about himself Announcements: Howeird announced that he'll be in the South Bay Musical Theatre performance of 'Anything Goes', opening in September & announced that he has a new geeky ringtone [it was FABU!] Dave G announced that he's heard ChiCon has bought a block of tickets for the Cubs/Giants game [evil] Kevin announced that Westercon 66 now has a mobile optimized website Ed announced that a retirement society should be built on the Moon & he's looking for investors Bob announced that they are out of apple pie & announced that writer & long-time fan Jim Young has a malignant brain tumor [and it is reported he just passed away] - and that condolances can be passed along at Adrienne announced that Ray Bradbury died last week & announced that meetup online is running a contest that ends July 15 Chris announced that Lynda says 'hi' Josh announced that on June 23 Impact Theatres in Berkeley is having their annual $50 before or $75 at the door poker tournament - with lots of prizes and fun for all Reviews: I reviewed 'Prometheus' as a fun outing and worth full price despite the lack of answers, stupid characters & plot holes - with 3D that didn't give me a headache & a starcape map worth the entry fee all on its own; Chris loved it as well, full price; Adrienne enjoyed watching it but found the story lacking & worth matinee; Brad found it enjoyable but derivative & worth matinee; Dave C agreed that much of the plot was advanced by stupidity & Trey commented that 'this film disappoints on so many levels' & that the character motivations keep changing, that there were good special effects but in conscience he cannot recommend this movie Dann reviewed the new '3 Stooges movie', as well done & well-written - recommended; Brad found it funny & agreed & Mo like the production values & enjoyed it Bob reviewed a book launch for 'NightShifted' by Cassie Alexander at Borders as a hoot and very much fun - and recommends the book Adrienne reviewed 'Among Others' by Jo Walton as not very impressive & lacking in action & direction, with a weak ending; Chris like it best of the Hugo novel nominations because he connected with it & Andy found it more character driven than plot driven Chris reviewed the TV show 'True Blood', 5th season opener as the 'anti-MadMen' and packed with lots of 'stuff' & Dave C agreed, then Chris reviewed a drawing by Dann as awesome Mo reviewed 'The Avengers' in 3D as being so cool it brought her to tears & she enjoyed the action & seeing the comics come to life - so worth full price & she stayed for the end it enjoyed it Bradford commented that the 'Avengers' is doing very well income-wise & reviewed a book 'Brazilian Science Fiction' as interesting & wonderful; the author is Elizabeth Ginway Ed reviewed 'Captain America' on DVD as great & reviewed 'Red Shirts' by John Scalzi as it made him laugh & cry - worth full price & reviewed Scalzi's 'Agent to the Stars' as he's halfway done & enjoying it Howeird reviewed the Queen's Jubilee on the Thames as he was impressed by the barge with the London Philharmonic orchestra onboard we did auctions we adjourned at 9:30 pm and the rumor of the week was: 'Help Ed send Newt Gingrich to the Moon!' -- ******************* She/whispered/'Oh/my/goodness/what/are/all/these/squirrels/doing/here?' *******************
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