Meeting 1139
May 28, 2012

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy),

Began very 8-ish

We established a party jar

26 people attended

The minutes of meeting 1138 were accepted as '4-con hangover'

the Treasurer reported that 'we have money'

The VP was not present

The President had nothing fannish to report

The Party Committee had parties at Clockwork Alchemy on Friday night & at
Baycon on Saturday & Sunday - all went quite well - and Aatheus is the new
Party Maven

Ken announced that his Eurovision special is archived & his next
special will be this Thursday, 10am-2pm - "Owl Stretching Time"

Geri volunteered to be the Cimema Committee & announced that the AMC
theatres will have a Frankenstein special event on June 6-7

Adrienne announced that there will be a Bay Area Ghost Hunters meet up this
Saturday, 1pm at the Moss Beach Distillery, $42 to attend

John O announced that next year BayCon's writer GoH is Lois McMasters
Bujold & that the fan GoHs will be John & Chris O'Halloran

Chris O announced that she is BayCon's reigning Fluxx champion

Ed suggested that BASFA needs to advertize itself to draw in new blood

Carole announced that Clockwork Alchemy did well this year and that there
WILL be another Clockwork Alchemy next year [yay!]

Dave G announced that Borderlands in SF will host Mary Robinette Kowal at
3pm & Mira Grant [Seanan McGuire] at 6pm & John O followed with the news
that the Newsflesh series has been optioned

Lisa reviewed Clockwork Alchemy as really nice for a 1st-time convention -
and that trying to go to 3 cons is insane; all who followed gave opinions
about how excellent the con was - except for getting registered - & Ed
mentioned that Baycon offered a linked membership discount for those trying
to go to all 3 cons

Diane reviewed BayCon as phenominal - worth her lost sleep, that the BASFA
and Westercon parties were wonderful and that she WILL be going back; Dave
C said Dealers Room was moved and that was a good change overall; & other
comments about the con were positive and that it had a lot of good spirit,
cheer & enthusiasm

Mo reviewed Fanime as she & Dann worked the Art Show, that it was excellent
and space for it will be quadrupled for next year - that the resin dragon
was incredible & the costumes were tremendous; again all following comments
were positive - except that registration was a bear, not helped by a power
outage at one point

Terri reviewed 'The Avengers' movie as full of eye candy for women, it was
funny & extrememly loud - very enjoayable; John O said that in loud
theatres you might miss the best line 'Puny god' - although Ed voted that
'Hulk ... smash' was the better line; & Dave G finally saw the shawarma

Dave G reviewed the Nebula Awards Banquet as a lot of fun & recommended it

John O reviewed Maker's Faire as growing bigger every year & amazingly cool
to walk thru - you need to go both days to see everything - the parking is
a problem & Fred suggested 'friending' them on Facebook so you can buy
tickets to go at the best possible price

[tall] Kevin reviewed seeing 'Thanks for Playing the Game Show Show' as
well worth re-seeing and the $44 ticket price; Lisa also enjoyed it &
applauded the set crew

we did auctions

we adjourned at 10:03 pm

and the rumor of the week was:  'next year no Jersey Shore LARP'

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