Sorry, folks. I spaced last week. They're here now. Barbara will likely post the minutes for May 28 very soon. --Adrienne Meeting 1138 May 21, 2012 Trey Haddad, President Chris Garcia, Vice President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale Began at 8:01 p.m., with me being cheered on as Emergency Holographic Secretary President and Secretary absent Vice President presiding Adrienne Foster, acting minute taker 28 people attended We established a party jar. The minutes for meeting 1137 were accepted as "eclipsed." There was neither a treasurer nor proxy report. VP said there's a new Drink Tank out. Party committee plans to have a soirée at Clockwork Alchemy on Friday and a party at BayCon on Saturday. Announcements: Corey said there will be a dance at the Doubletree on the eve of Clockwork Alchemy to warm things up. Ed said he is starting a new business selling smoking paraphernalia. Doug said he received a great new present of John Scalzi books in the mail. Carole will be on panels at Clockwork Alchemy. Ken said with all of the local conventions this weekend, there will be no Legion of Rassilon meeting this Friday. MO is coordinating the art show for Fanimé with Dann this year. She said Kublacon is also this weekend in Burlingame. For more details, please go to: Kevin S. announced that Menlo Worldwide is hiring people with computer skills. Howeird said there will be live music at Shoop Park in Los Altos on Sundays through the summer. Diane followed on that San Jose has ceased its Music in the Park. Zack announced he was recruited to work the party at BayCon. Yochanan said J. K. Kline died. Chris gave out copies of Slabscape: Reset, by S. Spencer Baker, for reviews. Diane announced that Marina is going on vacation, so she won't be here to serve us for three weeks. Reviews: Ed read Dowsing for Love, by Dick Croy, and said it is worth full price. Brad went to the Big Wow convention (formerly Supercon) and loved that dealers had lots of older comics to sell. He had a good time. Yochanan was happy to see one of his former students, Ryan Sook, there and he now works for Marvel. Yochanan recommends next year's Big Wow. Yochanan read the WWW trilogy by Robert J. Sawyer and highly recommends it. Chris followed on that Sawyer will be in town soon and Chris will be showing him around the Computer History Museum. Kevin S. saw Thanks for Playing the Game Show Show and says it's well worth the $44 if you can spare it. Howeird followed on that it is a full-scale musical that's worth $14. Josh reviewed the Caltrain trip to Brian Wilson gnome day at AT&T Park as insane. Game was worth full price (or at least the Brian Wilson gnome). The novel Josh is working on was shown to an editor who turned out to be his 7th grade teacher. Corey read Wise Man's Tear, by Patrick Ruthfuss. He thought the first novel was brill, but the second was a disappointment. Chris disagreed saying Ruthfuss is the greatest novelist of all time. Dave C. saw Battleship, based on the Hasbro game. It has aliens and loud music. Worth matinee. He read Drift, by Rachel Maddow. It's about the current state of war our country is fighting and is worth full value. Carole went to Costumecon, which was worth full price, but the driving trip home wasn't. She is going to fly to Phoenix in the future. Bill said Carole fared well at Costumecon and agreed the drive was uncomfortable. Lisa saw the eclipse with the San Jose Astronomical Association at Hogue Park and said the sun had 84% coverage in the area and they were a good group to watch it with. Jeff saw it at the beach and cloud cover allowed them to see a ring of fire. Ken added he had a great time watching it at a party. Chris saw Dark Shadows and loved it. He thought Eva Greene was HOT. He also reviewed the 4-5-6 restaurant as amazing—again. He particularly likes its drunken chicken dish. We did auctions. Rumor of the Week: "Dark Shadows 2: Electric Boogaloo." We adjourned 9:49 p.m.
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