I never make it to the meetings lately. Monday is gaming night.

After Chris Garcia tweeted his experiences with the Santa Clara City Library I 
decided to check and see what else they had, in addition to the DVD Chris 
tweeted about.  I found a couple of anthologies, not yet released, but in the 
catalog and available to be reserved:

Blood Lite III: Aftertaste edited by Kevin J. Anderson. 
Why this anthology? It contains "I Was a Teenage Bigfoot" by Jim Butcher. 

Hex Appeal edited by P.N. 
This one includes "Bigfoot on Campus" by Jim Butcher. 

These are not tardy April Fool items. These are new Dresden Files stories that 
take place well before Ghost Story--apparently Bigfoot was one of Harry 
Dresden's clients (he was referenced in Ghost Story). There will be a third 
Bigfoot-Dresden story, "B is for Bigfoot" and a story about Harry's apprentice 
Molly Carpenter later in the year.  And of course still no date for the next 
Dresden Files novel, Cold Days.

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