I never make it to the meetings lately. Monday is gaming night. After Chris Garcia tweeted his experiences with the Santa Clara City Library I decided to check and see what else they had, in addition to the DVD Chris tweeted about. I found a couple of anthologies, not yet released, but in the catalog and available to be reserved:
Blood Lite III: Aftertaste edited by Kevin J. Anderson. http://libsearch.santaclaraca.gov/iii/encore/record/C%7CRb1573573%7CSblood+lite%7COrightresult%7CX5?lang=eng&suite=def Why this anthology? It contains "I Was a Teenage Bigfoot" by Jim Butcher. Hex Appeal edited by P.N. Elrod.http://libsearch.santaclaraca.gov/iii/encore/record/C%7CRb1574310%7CShex+appeal%7COrightresult%7CX5?lang=eng&suite=def This one includes "Bigfoot on Campus" by Jim Butcher. These are not tardy April Fool items. These are new Dresden Files stories that take place well before Ghost Story--apparently Bigfoot was one of Harry Dresden's clients (he was referenced in Ghost Story). There will be a third Bigfoot-Dresden story, "B is for Bigfoot" and a story about Harry's apprentice Molly Carpenter later in the year. And of course still no date for the next Dresden Files novel, Cold Days. http://www.jim-butcher.com/ Mike
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