Meeting 1133
April 16, 2012

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy),

Began at 8pm with wonderful strawberries
26 people attended

The minutes of meeting 1132 were accepted as 'no'

the Treasurer is ill - however last week we took in $10.30 in the regular

The VP reported that there is a new 'Drink Tank' out so 'your long national
nightmare is over' - and the issue has a Mo cover - plus she's a Hugo

The President had nothing fannish to report

The Sports Committee is looking into another Giants outing on Friday August
31 - vs the Cubs at Wrigley Field [during ChiCon!]

Josh announced that he was accepted by UC Berkeley

I announced that Adrienne is full of awesomeness and is a wonderful person

Chris announced that the score was Sharks 1/Blues 2 in the 2nd period

'Ric without a 'k' announced that there will be a PechaKucha night April
17, at 7pm at the Sonoma Chicken Coop in Campbell & that Mo will do a
presentation there

[tall] Kevin announced that he needs help moving this Saturday, April 21
from around 9am till noon in Fremont

Bradford thanked the members of BASFA for their Hugo nominations of his
book but since there was a problem with the publication date it has been
disqualified - & he announced that he got a positive academic review for
his book - 'The Anticipation - novelists of the 1950's French science
fiction - Stepchildren of Voltaire'

Ken announced that William Finley had died

Debbie reviewed the Greater Bay Area Costumer's Guild dinner held in honor
of the Titanic's sinking as expensive but worth full price

Chris reviewed his trip as turbulance was not his friend, that the Minicon
people treated him like a minor king as Fan GoH, that his hotel room at-con
was AMAZING and had a hot tub [among other wonders], the con was real fun
and he 'went to a thing and saw stuff'; he also reviewed seeing his
grandparents and seeing turkeys and huge deer and cavorting mountain lions
- he had a wonderful time

Adrienne reviewed reading 2 other Devon Monk books - 'Magic on the Storm' &
'Magic at the Gate' as interesting and entertaining with believable
characters & then reviewed the 1st 2 seasons of 'Downton Abbey' as a
pleasant distraction to watch - 5 stars, a keeper and highly recommended

Mo reviewed 1st Friday in San Jose as the downtown museums are open from
8pm till 11pm with free admission & worth visiting; she also reviewed '5
Spot' as a Mexican cookery open until 3am with authenic cuisine & all
delicious - then Josh followed, saying it was actually called 'Chivas', but
that everyone -calls- it '5 Spot', it's on 1st just south of 280

Tom reviewed 'The Blind Spot', written in the 1920's by Homer Eon Flint &
Austin Hall as a wacky alternate universe book & an interesting read -
Bradford followed, saying that he read it years ago and remembers it fondly
- a good book for the genre

Ric reviewed Slave Labor Graphics ['SLG'] as it does a 3rd Wednesday 'Nerd
Mart', selling all things nerdish & it's a great browsing spot, in SJ near
Market and 280; Mo followed that they have live jazz there on 1st Fridays
and Josh rated it as a cool place; then Ric reviewed that getting ready for
a presentation he will deliver on an iPad inspired him to get an 'air
stash' - a wireless networked storage device & that it will fit on a

Lisa reviewed the Guadalupe River Parkway Fantasy Fest as they had some
writers there, but mostly it was a fun little Ren Faire

We did auctions

we adjourned at 9:13 pm
and the rumor of the week was:  'Quick! End the meeting before the
secretary gets caught up!'

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