Meeting 1132
April 9, 2012

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy),

Began at 8-ish - eventually
24 people attended

The minutes of meeting 1131 were accepted as 'Godzilla tested - mother

the Treasurer was missing

The VP had also fled the state

The President had nothing fannish to report

Adrienne announced that she is looking to sell a pair of tickets for the
May 15 game vs the Rockies for $44 - see her - & then later she announced
that some people had died

[tall] Kevin announced that he will need help moving Saturday, April 21
from around 9am till noon in Fremont & announced that the Hugo nominations
are out and that some BASFAns are on the ballot\

Jo announced that he plans to have a Cinco de Mayo party, May 5th, 7-ish

'Ric without a 'k' announced that taxes are due on April 17 this year &
that there will be a PechaKucha night, April 17, 7pm at the Sonoma Chicken
Coop in Campbell & that Mo will do a presentation there

Mo mentioned that she was nominated for a Hugo [and we cheered]

Dann announced that he & Mo will be running the art show for Fanime -
expecting 18,000 attendees the same weekend as Clockwork Alchemy

[evil] Kevin announced that there's a kickstarter event this next week to
fund a documentary about the Robogames - check

Andy announced that Robogames will be April 20-22 & that the bar-bot will
be judged on Friday & exhibited all weekend at the San Mateo fairgrounds

Ken announced that it's Tom Lehrer's birthday

Joni announced that they have started a website for Garth's sister Blythe =, where pictures or short videos can be posted to
help cheer up Blythe's spirits

I reviewed a website = 'Scandinavia and the World' as
a delightful site & so very worthwhile, I read all the archives the day I
discovered it; Andy followed with the words 'beer ghost' [LOL]; Aatheus
summed it up as 'Europe, the animated series'; Trey also enjoys the site
and recommends reading the commentaries

Ric reviewed eating brunch at San Pedro's Little Chef counter as heartily
recommended - brunch for 2 under $20.00 & he also reviewed the 1st 2
episodes of 'Game of Thrones' season 2 as very well done & reviewed  the
NEST learning thermostat as it is teaching them to be more energy conscious
- a tad expensive but worth it

[tall] Kevin reviewed the 5x Hugo-cast as ambitious & 'isn't the internet
wonderful?' He lauds ChiCon for getting it done

Aatheus reviewed Patrick Stewart reading 'Christmas Carol' as Stewart's
voice is highly entertaining and that it was worth far more than he paid
for it at BASFA auction

Diane reviewed Muir Woods as beautiful & worth full price & the cost of a
yearly pass

Jo reviewed Facebook as 'friends' apparently means everybody anyone else
knows; Josh followed with the problem that Facebook can list day & month
but cannot list year properly; then Jo reviewed the Sharks playing their
last regular season game as they snatched victory at the end of the game
and inspired him to buy season tickets for next year

We did auctions

we adjourned at 9:27 pm

and the rumor of the week was:  'Short story Hugo discussions to be held in
John Scalzi's outhouse'

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