Meeting 1128 March 12, 2012
Trey Haddad, President Chris Garcia, Vice President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale Began at 8:02 pm - with too many zaps 32 people attended We established a party jar The minutes of meeting 1127 were accepted as 'forward into the past' the Treasurer reported that at meeting 1127 we took in $6.85 in the regular jar and $26.33 in the party jar The VP reported 'so I'm your Vice President ... for the time being' & there is a new 'Drink Tank' out on 'teh intrawebs' mainly about the city of Chicago [filet of 'Drink Tank' was mentioned] & Jo asked if he could appeal to the VP The President had nothing fannish to report & warned that he & the Secretary might not make it back in time for next week's meeting Announcements: Ken announced that there will be a Psychotronic film festival this Saturday, 7pm in room 5015; $5 donation, $3 parking & wear green [tall] Kevin announced that there is a meeting on high speed rail in Mountain View at the Performing Arts Center at 7pm Tuesday & he also announced that he is looking for help to move things into a moving truck on April 2 Dave C announced that the Other Change of Hobbit is open again [yay!] & on March 18 will have a special fundraiser on site - which includes cake & also announced that Ebay is changing its defitions of what a 'top seller' is Bill announced that FogCon is coming up and will be in Walnut Creek Carole announced that Clockwork Alchemy will not have an 'official' party floor or con suite - and Dave C followed that it will also not have a dealer's room Jo announced that he's still moving and would like help on March 24th Josh announced that the Impact Theatre in Berkeley is doing 'Titus Andronicus' & is a very good production - it's in the basement of Lavals Pizzeria Chris announced that he will be Fan GoH in Minicon - another con that is in the offing Howeird announced birthdays Lisa announced that the Sharks won Reviews: I reviewed 'John Carter of Mars' as a lot of fun, that I enjoyed it & the 3D did not give me a headache, worth full price; Ric followed that the 3D was very optional & the adaptation was good & recommended; Adrienne really enjoyed it, urges folks to go see it and liked the 'doggy' ['doggy' FTW!], worth full price, Andy agreed that the movie's promotion was just plain stupid; Dave C also recommended going to see the movie; Howeird thought there was too much stuff set on Earth & Trey opined that the 3D was unecessary & there were enough good bits to enjoy the movie Andy reviewed the SJ Coronation as a minor train derailment [evil Kevin amended 'derangement'] & it ran on 'drag time' - fun but not worth full price & reviewed the finals for Melody Festivalen as as well-paced & full of snark - all performances but one were better than the semi-finals & Mo follow-on'd that to look for the old Russian women next year, she loves them Adrienne reviewed the 4th UK season of 'Being Human' as there are cast changes, it's still interesting & fun, she recommends it Jo reviewed a vanity press as the book he looked at had 29 errors in 5 pages - a bad effort as it's the author/'editor's 7th book - not worth full price; he also reviewed 'Babylon 5' that he is re-watching as the CGI does not hold up but that the storyline still holds up & he commented that his minivan is full of trophies Chris reviewed Cinequest films as very good overall and worth full price Ric reviewed a Sabrecats game [that was much interrupted] as you can't get better than a 70-71 score in a 5-hour game - lots of fun & highly recommended Bradford reviewed Condor in San Diego as a very pleasant, small, local con 300-400 attendees, very friendly and he'd go again, recommended Bill reviewed Consonance again - and they still had a good time Fred reviewed 'Tour of Duty' as the 1st 2 seasons get better and better & he found the 3rd season at Fry's and it looks good, too Mo reviewed the Games Developer Conference in SF as it felt small but was just more dispersed & there are a lot of new people in the industry - it was the most positive conference in the last 4 years - recommeded We did auctions [including a very shiny glittery gold ball; thank you Howeird!] we adjourned at 9:53 pm and the rumor of the week was: 'Everything is better when you add 'of Mars' at the end of it' -- ******************* She/whispered/'Oh/my/goodness/what/are/all/these/squirrels/doing/here?' *******************
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