Meeting 1127 March 5, 2012 Trey Haddad, President Chris Garcia, Vice President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale
Began at 8 pm - in stereo 25 people attended We established a party jar The minutes of meeting 1125 were accepted as 'none of the below' & the minutes of meeting 1126 were accepted as 'It's a trap! It's a trap!' the Treasurer reported that we have money The VP was not present [is likely at Cinequest] The President reported hearing dissatisfaction over the double-booking and asked if we should look elsewhere [no, not really] - and expressed hope at the thought of new rules instituted by the VP last week ... but apparently those 'rules' were only temporary guidelines The Party Committee is looking for Cheese The Sports Committee reports the May 4th Giants tickets are in & being distributed - with 1 ticket left [tall] Kevin thanked BASFA for donations to the SFF Translation fund & they made their fund-raising goal - [we donated more than all of Great Britain, but not as much as Finland] - and the club moved and passed a motion to respond 'you're welcome' Announcements: Dave G announced that Hugo nominations close this Sunday at 11:59 pm & announced that Spring will be teaching English in China for 3 weeks this summer Fred announced that there's a Phillip K Dick festival Sept 22-23 in SF Dave C announced that Comic Con Intl's online sales sold out in 90 minutes - that 300,000 want to get in, that 125,000 memberships were sold and that any tickets sold on Ebay are likely to be fake Adrienne announced that Kathryn Dougherty died last week Valerie announced that her 2nd book is out: 'Katniss the Cat Tail ... an unauthoriZed Guide to the Hunger Games' [by Vallerie Estelle Frankel, Lit Crit Press, with very nice interior art] - available in all the usual places & also announced that her book 'Buffy & the Heroine's Journey' is out 2 months early [this one published by McFarland] Reviews: Dann reviewed a sneak showing of 'John Carter of Mars' as 'see it on its own merits' Andy reviewed the 2nd chance round of Melody Festivalen as 'and that's enough said about that' - then reviewed 'BarBot' as a disasterously fun event that ran on both Friday & Saturday nights, was well attended & was worth full price; [evil] Kevin followed, saying that it went well, with the only problems being with ingrediants and the glasses that they were given to use - and that they were 'vehemently encouraged' to enter the April competition; Dave G commented that the Thinbot was fast - recommended the experience; Howeird said the hall was impressively filled with robots & that the Thinbot could be seen as a shiny/lit presense anywhere in the hall I reviewed 'Secret World of Arriety' as a lovely little film, well worth seeing at full price & also reviewed going to a Sharks game [vs the Buffalo Sabres] as it was lots of fun - would have been more fun if the Sharks had won - but was still worth full price Adrienne reviewed 'Woman in Black' as involving and she enjoyed it - until the unsatisfying ending & worth full price if you like Gothic romance Ed reviewed 'West Wing' as still topical and worth watching - reviewed Fry's as they match internet prices, reviewed 'Tour of Duty' as survival war porn & reviewed 'WarHorse' as a damn good movie & a damn good war movie - worth seeing on the big screen; Adrienne followed and agreed Ken reviewed the Cinequest premeire of 'The Ghastly Love of Johnny X' as fun and a contemporary film, despite being black and white & recommended [it has 2 more showings on tuesday & Saturday] Dave C reviewed Nick Lowe's CD 'The Old Magic' as tuneful but 'not so much flirting with death as taking death home with you' Lisa reviewed Consonance as Seanan MacGuire had a huge concert, there was lots of good singing everywhere & she had great fun all weekend We did auctions we adjourned at 9:26 pm and the rumor of the week was: 'Ed is why we can't have nice things' -- ******************* She/whispered/'Oh/my/goodness/what/are/all/these/squirrels/doing/here?' *******************
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