Meeting 1126 February 27, 2012 Trey Haddad, President Chris Garcia, Vice President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale Began at 7:55 p.m., under unusual circumstances President and Secretary absent Vice President presiding Adrienne Foster, acting minute taker 31 people attended We established a SFF Translation Awards donation jar. As BASFA members arrived this evening, we were told the manager at Coco's had double booked the room that evening, but not like they have done in the past. The times for the two groups were staggered and Marina asked if we could finish our meeting before the next group arrived at 9:30 p.m. We said we'd do our best to comply, so the VP rearranged the usual agenda. The reading of minutes for meeting 1125 was put off until next meeting. With so many items donated this week, we did auctions first. The VP said that everyone who had something say—whether it be business, announcement or review—would be allowed to talk about one subject of their choosing and just one subject, starting at one side of the room. This went rapidly, so my apologies if I missed any topics or got them wrong. Corrections would be appreciated. Brad saw the old movie Assignment: Outer Space and noticed it had some of the same soundtrack for Destination Moon. Tom helped raise a totem pole and found the experience exhilarating. Dave C. read Super Constitution, by Charles Kim. It was lame and goofy, but amusing to read. He says it's worth the 99¢ on Amazon. Fred went to Potlatch and said it was worth full price. Kevin S. thanks BASFA for its donations last week to the SFF Translation Awards. Andy said it should be used to translate Super Constitution. Jeff likes cheese. Dave G. said The Bat is a decent movie. Carole said Consonance is this weekend and is looking for badge clips and lanyards to reuse. If anyone has some donate, please see her. Bill saw Full Metal Jousting on the History Channel and says it's worth watching. (Nathan Lane had sneak peeks of his appearance on the show on David Letterman last Tuesday.) Howard said it was Chelsea Clinton's birthday, among many others. I said that in addition to being the first day of Eastern Orthodox Lent, it is also International Polar Bear Day, according to one of the calendars I saw at work. Ed needs help to have a BASFA party at Clockwork Alchemy. He missed getting a room to hold one. Chuck is brushing up on his knowledge of the Ukraine language for a trip he'll soon be taking. Lisa is also looking forward to going to Consonance. MO introduced Michael Magee, author of String of Pearls. Michael followed on offering copies to BASFAns who are interested. Bob says Angelina's right leg has a Twitter account. Kevin R. says Barbot 2012 is this weekend. Jerri said Gallifrey was last weekend, with lots of followons. Attendance was over 3,000 this year. MO won 1st place in the art show. Chris says he posted three videos from Gallifrey. Andy said it was the best one ever. Andy watched Melody Festivale with a lot of people. None of them knew Swedish and his usual translator wasn't present, but they all enjoyed the show regardless. Ken said Leap Day will be his and Jerri's first official anniversary. Chris said there's a new Drink Tank out with a MO cover. Rumor of the Week: "Ted Turner will be colorizing The Artist." We adjourned at 9:08 p.m., with no sign of the group that was supposed to come after us.
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