Meeting 1123 February 6, 2012 Trey Haddad, President Chris Garcia, Vice President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale
Began at 8:00 pm with bouncy unicorn puppies 32 people attended We established a party jar The minutes of meeting 1122 were accepted as 'lutefisk' the Treasurer reported that at meeting 1122 we took in less than a dollar in both the regular jar & party jar The VP was not present The President had nothing fannish to report Hugo nomination night #2 will be tonight, with #3 on Feb 13 - so please do not bring in auction items - and the president thanked the members for not bringing in auction items tonight The Sports Committee has bought the tickets for the Giants outing on Friday, may 4th - Giants vs the Brewers - at a cost of $28.50/each - and there are 5 ... no - _3_ - tickets unspoken for at present The Computer Website Committee reported that there is access to the site again A vote failed and the Hugo nominations will be held after the meeting proper Announcements: Bradford announced that he will need help to get his book nominated for a Hugo - so remember Bradford Lyau's book 'The Anticipation - novelists of the 1950's French science fiction - Stepchildren of Voltaire' for 'best related work' Carole announced that Clockwork Alchemy will be held over the Memorial Day weekend at the Doubletree & she is on the ConComm - check for details Stephen announced that JackalCast - a fannish podcast - will have an interview with Tim Powers - check Adrienne announced that there will be a meetup for Ghost Hunters at the Rosicrucian Museum on Feb 11, noon - meeting in the lobby [front doors] Jo announced ... stuff ... just stuff [Legolas reference] Dave C announced that his house finally has a roof Reviews: Carole reviewed taking a Sunday drive with Bill as it had pleasant views & was worth the price of gas [in a 1989 Acura] Howeird reviewed Conflict as quite wonderful [except for their audio folk] with lots of excellent GoHs & fun experiences [others also commented] & then he reviewed free stuff on Kindle as 'Small World' by Dominic Green was quite entertaining, he got more than he paid for & enjoyed it Bradford reviewed the 3rd 'Underworld' movie as each of them were getting shorter and he didn't really see a reason for #3 to have been made - then he reviewed 'Moon' as surprisingly good Dave C reviewed 'Celebrity Autobiography' as worth full price - and he used the word 'cacophonous' in the review; then reviewed the Max's in SF as he gave them another chance and they failed: everything he once enjoyed is now gone Jo reviewed 'Red Tails' as much better than he expected - worth full redbox price, or see it in the theatre if you like seeing big zoomy things Andy reviewed Eurovision as the contests continue & some of it requires 'Chris Garcia modes of delivery' - and is still worth stealing; then Ken followed, saying his show [KFJC, 89.7, Thursdays from 10am till 2pm also has a segment between noon & 1pm that focuses on Eurovision culling - tune in and be scared we adjourned at 8:54 pm and the rumor of the week was: 'Seen the 1st banana - there is no appeal' -- ******************* She/whispered/'Oh/my/goodness/what/are/all/these/squirrels/doing/here?' *******************
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