Meeting 1122 January 30, 2012
Trey Haddad, President Chris Garcia, Vice President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale Began 'close enough' to 8:00 pm 30 people attended We established a party jar The minutes of meeting 1121 were accepted as 'eats shoots and leaves' the Treasurer reported that at meeting 1121 we took in $8.20 in the regular jar & $9.87 in the party jar; while at meeting 1120 we took in $13.31 in the regular jar & $34.95 in the party jar The VP reported that there is a new 'Drink Tank' out - issue '305-ish' - and a brand spanking new 'drink Tank Stupendous annual' out, as of this meeting, right now The President had nothing fannish to report Hugo nomination night #1 will be tonight, with #s 2 & 3 on Feb 6 & Feb 13 - so please do not bring in auction items - and the president thanked the members for not bringing in auction items tonight The Sports Committee is starting to look for committment & collect monies for the Giants outing on Friday, may 4th - Giants vs the Brewers - cost being $28.50 The Computer Website Committee reported that the site password has been changed & that Michael Wallis should be fixing this soon Adrienne reminded members to pay for their dinner bills before leaving Announcements: Jerry Nordley announced that 'Contact' will be held this year - March 30, April 1,2 & is looking for hospitality staff Ken announced that the Retrodome will be debuting an original 'game show show' sometime this spring [evil] Kevin announced that Gallifrey is coming up and that they'll host a Friday night party there & announced that the 1st weekend in March will have a Barbot party - check for more details Chris announced that there is good poutine in SJ now at the little chef counter in the San Pedro market on San Pedro Square - amazingly good food for good prices [and things devolved into talk of lutefisk] Lisa announced that FogCon will be held March 30, April 1,2 in Walnut Creek at the Marriott - check Jo announced that he is part of the 9% and looking for work again & announced that he will host 2 parties soon - one likely on Feb 16 and another party March 10 with free pizza and beer [tall] Kevin announced that he is looking for a new place to live and will likely need help moving in April & announced that SFFT [the science fiction & fantasy translations board] is doing a fundraiser - check Reviews: Skyrim #1 [Ken] reviewed the 30th anniversary party for the Legion of Rassilon at Carrows as they had a large turnout and it was a very successful party & reviewed that he & Geri had a pleasant semi-traditional anniversary visit to La Fondue & that 2 sing-a-longs at the Retrodome on Friday & Sunday were enjoyable & reviewed watching some You-tubage as fun = 'I built a tardis' Skyrim #2 [Andy] says the new season of Eurovision is beginning and the recruiting processes is underway Skyrim #3 [Lisa] reviewed the Legion of Rassilon party as very enjoyable & reviewed Wootstock on Sunday as a lot of fun Skyrim #4 [Chris] reviewed the art project funded by google as it has completely shot his work productivity & is a lot of fun & reviewed 'Transformers - Dark Side of the Moon' as the worst film he has ever seen - or made - and reminded folks of the depth of horrible he has seen & reviewed the restored 'Metropolis' as it ... 'lifted his spirits' [sexy robots!] = well worth full price & reviewed 'The Thorn and the Blossom' by Theodora Goss as a good story from 2 POVs Skyrim #5 [Jo] reviewed having a life again as good, reviewed the remake of 'Girl with the Dragon tattoo' as good but not as good as the original but still worth full price & reviewed supercross as very entertaining & reviewed 'Game of Shadows' as he hated it a lot less than he expected to and it was pretty good as long as he forgot it was about Sherlock Holmes Skyrim #6 [Dave C] reviewed the nerdist live as interesting standup humor - worth full price for a slightly peculiar evening Skyrim_#7! [Ric] reviewed Youtube's ability to provide free entertainment as highly recommended - that 'Star Wars Uncut' is worth every second spent on it & reviewed 'My Drunk Kitchen' as 'go see it' & then there were follow ons that included the words 'bull penis' Skyrim #8 [Fred] reviewed Bradford Lyau's book 'The Anticipation - novelists of the 1950's French science fiction - Stepchildren of Voltaire' as a very good book with an interesting approach to the field and recommends it for the Hugo for 'best related work'; Chris followed and agreed Skyrim #9 [Dann] reviewed the latest 'Thing' as very thoughtfully done and well written Skyrim #10 [Trey] reviewed Zamora's Omelet House - which is doing 1-shot limited seating guest chef dinner experiments we adjourned at 9:30 pm and the rumor of the week was: 'Peaches have no intrinsic value and there is no god' -- ******************* She/whispered/'Oh/my/goodness/what/are/all/these/squirrels/doing/here?' *******************
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