Meeting 1115

December 12, 2011

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice-President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy),

Began 8pm - with thoughts of Mittens

25 people attended

We established a party jar

The minutes for meeting 1114 were accepted as 'snow ninjas'

the Treasurer reported that last week we took in $28.75 in the regular jar
& 13.50 in the party jar

The VP reported there is a new issue of 'Drink Tank' written & also things
and ... stuff

The President had nothing fannish to report

The website maintenance committee has made the requested changes on the

[tall] Kevin announced that he's likely to be gone around Gift-mas &
January so that the 3 weeks of BASFA Hugo nominations will be done the 1st
3 weekends of February

Ken announced that 2 formerly lost episodes of Dr Why have been recovered &
they are now down to 106 lost episodes

Ed announced that May 4-6 2012 will be a Star Wars con called 'May the
Fourth be with you' - check their website & he
announced that ebooks Mike Ward  can be embarrassed by mention of a bad

Mo announced that she has a studio in 199 Martha St & there will be a
gallery showing at the building - the SJ Arts Citadel starting 8pm Dec 16
from 8pm till midnight

Chris announced that the TAFF race has ended & Jacqueline Moynahan won

Chuck announced that Jerry Robinson has died last week

Dave C announced that David Clark or Clarke - is a rash upon TV & also
announced that ... never mind

Lisa announced that her son is taking finals this week & asked for a moment
of silence for all the students in similar straits

I suggested that everyone go buy Skyrin

I reviewed Ryk Spoor's book - 'Grand Central Arena' as an immensely good
read, with entertaining and well-drawn characters that I liked; go buy this
book ... and buy Skyrim too  ^_^

Adrienne reviewed 'China Stix' on Scott & ElCamino as having very good food
and they also do dim sum; she likes that they let you make orders off the
menu; it was worth full price and recommended

Ed reviewed 'Thai Bodia' as recommended, they serve both Thai and Cambodian
fare, he also reviewed 'Real Steel' as a movie with crappy science but good
human interest and still found it fun, worth matinee & he reviewed Weber's
latest book in the Armageddon Reef series as worth paperback

Mo reviewed an audio book of 'The Story of Edgar Sawtelle' by David
Wroblewski as it had promise but disappointed her overall; she has also
seen 2 movies recently which were gorgeous to look at, but lacking in story
or decent plot to the point that she felt abused - the 2 films being
'Immortals' & 'The 3 Musketeers' [tho it was phrased as 'The 3 bad-done
Steampunk Musketeers'] - Dann followed that he was also disappointed by
these movies - there were good bits but more than 70% of each movie was
poorly done & neither were worth matinee

[evil] Kevin reviewed braving the dragons & tasting wine at ConCannon
winery and highly recommends it as worth full price

Chris reviewed a Locus party as they had the best and creepiest award ever
there - the 'World Fantasy award' - he enjoyed cheese there & he reviewed
Saturine as the best masked wrestler                           idea ever

Diana reviewed  a book as techno-geek stuff that she enjoyed

Sandra reviewed a trailer for 'MIB 3' as nice eye candy

Dave C reviewed 'Hugo' as worth going out to see - 'it will make you better
people' & reviewed the OC Discovery Science TacoBell center as not worth
the $25 he paid for it & reviewed 'Cartoon Dump' in Hollywood as the worst
possible cartoon ideas & worth full price

Andy reviewed 'Burrito Bison' as a really good bad video game - worth
having the internet to get access to it

Eric reviewed the Kindle Fire & Nook as difficult to use with normal fingers

We then did birthday and regular auctions

we adjourned at 9:30 pm

Rumor of the Week: 'Chris Garcia will be named the new chief of the Fanboy

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