Meeting 1114

December 5, 2011

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice-President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy),

Began 8pm - without pitchers

28 people attended

We established a party jar

The minutes for meeting 1113 were accepted as 'editorially commented'

the Treasurer reported that last week we took in $57.15 in the regular jar
& 16.75 in the party jar

The VP reported there is a new issue of 'Drink Tank' out, issue #299 & the
exploding Death Star gives him a headache, but not Ben Kenobi & that this
year he will celebrate RepliChristmas & there's still time to send him
content for 'Journey Planet'  but the deadline was yesterday

The President had nothing fannish to report and 'you only have yourselves
to blame'

BASFA's official mailing address is POBox 61363, Sunnyvale 94088

The website maintenance committee is delayed in his website cleanup

And Jo then wished to state his appreciation for organizations naming
themselves something that Bill the Cat would like

Andy announced that this Wednesday night, 6pm the Tech Museum will have a
Tinker Drinker demonstration night - about robotics and drinking, check the
Tech's website for details and costs

Dave C announced that Cargo Cult books offers help for anyone wanting to
buy books from 'Other Change of Hobbit' & announced that beginning Jan 4th
Green 960 will change format to right wing radio and boot off all their old
hosts; Adrienne followed noting that KGO has just had a drastic format
change as well

Chris announced that Darrell Sweet passed away

Ric [no 'K'] announced that the 'Other Change of Hobbit' is accepting

Art announced that he has a mysterious device he would like identified &
announced that he has some VHS tapes out in his vehicle that he'd like to

Fred announced that there will be a comics, anime, gaming minicon in
Sacramento Dec 11, 'SacCon', at the Scottish Rite Center, check for more details

Mo announced that she would like to do a Dickensonian Tarot deck but
realizies it will be a lot of work and would like help

Tom announced that Potlatch 21 has their hotel contract now & to check for more details

Jo announced that he made an offer on a house today

Ed reviewed LosCon as the drive down was scenic, he helped with set-up, the
con was a little slow & small & angry, but he had fun, there were various
follow-ons mentioning hotel fail, fall colors and tule fog

Randy reviewed 'My Weekend with Marilyn' as a bit of a touching view of her

'Bob' reviewed 'Hugo' - as a movie he enjoyed immensely - not a lot of
action - but so very appropriate for a BASFA crowd

Chris joshed Jo & then reviewed 'Psych' as a TV series basically about him
& that the episode with Shatner makes it worth having cable for & reviewed
'Into the Barn' by Piers Anthony as it proved his eyes could vomit [Dave C
commented 'When your eyes bleed, it doesn't count as vomit']

Ric reviewed the 'Invention of Hugo Cabret' by Brian Selznick as a thick
book with lots of intricate interior art & incredibly recommended & he
reviewed a nest building thermostat as very geeky and expensive but that
he's currently testing his out

Jo reviewed the 'Love Potion' as a talent contest/play, done incredibly
well - it may be back in April , worth full price

Dave C reviewed Kim Newman's book 'Professor Moriarty' as a 'historical
document', lots of fun and full of rip-roaring yarns

[evil] Kevin reviewed a sale at Evil Mad Scientists Laboratory as a blast,
he highly recommends their products, check their website =

And reviewed the Photoflex sale as it was a good thing they got there
before the doors opened because the good stuff went really quickly

Tom reviewed 'Recardiacs Fly' as an awesome band and worth hearing

We then did birthday and regular auctions

we adjourned at 10:05 pm

Rumor of the Week: 'Jo has plans to host Potlatch 25'

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