Yes, it was Dann.  I fear my typing skills missed Dave C [and my
proofreading missed the mistake].


On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 5:02 PM, David Gallaher <> wrote:

> "Dave C announced that he has been hired as a contractor for some income
> but he is still looking for more work"
> I believe that was Dann who announced this. Especially as Dave C was not
> in attendance last night.
> Dave
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* melchar <>
> *To:* BASFA list <>; chris garcia <
> *Sent:* Tue, November 29, 2011 4:25:09 PM
> *Subject:* [Basfa] Nov 28 BASFA minutes
> Meeting 1113
> November 28, 2011
> Trey Haddad, President
> Chris Garcia, Vice-President
> Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
> Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
> Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
> held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy),
> Sunnyvale
> Began 8pm - with talk of Morlocks
> 28 people attended
> We established a party jar
> The minutes for meeting 1112 were accepted as 'needless to say, the
> meeting broke'
> the Treasurer reported that last week we took in $13.00 in the regular jar
> & 2.75 in the party jar
> The VP reported there is no new issue of 'Drink Tank - but there IS a new
> 'Journey Planet' out on & he's watching lots of versions of
> 'Bladerunner' and that Frank Wu is here tonight → and then Frank bought a
> BASFA membership for Spacekat/Briana Wu
> The President welcomed Briana & reminded Adrienne to write to Craig
> Ferguson
> And THEN Briana called for a new election for VP.  The ballot ended up
> with Briana and Chris as candidates - and after a stirring round of
> speeches and votes - Chris Garcia was re-elected as BASFA's VP
> Announcements:
> Ken announced that this Dec 3, Saturday there will be a Pyschotronic Film
> Festival at Foothill college - at 7:30 in room 5015, $5 at the door and $2
> for parking & he also announced that he's hosting 4 hours of songs from the
> Psychotronic Film Festival on KFJC this Thursday from 10am till 2pm & also
> announced that Ken Russell died
> Dave C announced that he has been hired as a contractor for some income
> but he is still looking for more work
> Adrienne announced that Bay Area Ghost Hunters has meet -n- greets coming
> up on Dec 1 at the San Mateo County Recorder's office at 2:30pm & on Dec 8
> at 5pm at Trials Pub
> Andy announced there are a few hours more till midnight - while ChiCon is
> having an extended Black Friday sale of Worldcon memberships for $15 off &
> announced that Photoflex is having a factory sale on Dec 4 [see =
>] &
> announced that on Dec 1 Westercon 66 membership rates go up to $65.00
> Josh announced that Chez Panisse is sponsoring a lecture track at Berkeley
> called 'Edible Education' at Berkeley's Wheeler hall - and there are
> webcasts of these lecture.
> [see =]
> Reviews:
> Chris reviewed 'Hugo' - as clockwork, not steampunk and the best movie
> he's seen this year - and there were uniformly positive comments following
> this; and he also  reviewed 'The Descendants' as shockingly good, worth
> full price & then reviewed 'The Muppets' as very funny and “Oh crap” - with
> other comments having varied responses & then he reviewed different DVDs of
> 'Bladerunner' as being of varied quality - but the 1992 director's cut is
> the best and the 1st theatrical release was also good.
> Bill reviewed the drive to Loscon as not worth full price, that Loscon
> seemed sparsely populated and the drive back was better
> Briana espoused heresy in her review of 'Skyrim' as being confusing,
> boring and she didn't like the art and Frank followed that it was a muddled
> medieval mess
> Adrienne reviewed seasons 2 and 3 of 'The Big Bang Theory' as the show is
> quite excellent fun and she bought them for wonderfully low prices
> Dann reviewed 'Pirate Radio' as very good - very worth watching & highly
> recommended & Mo followed that it was a lot of fun to watch
> We then did birthday and regular auctions
> we adjourned at 9:32 pm
> Rumor of the Week: 'Lemme hear you say Wu!'
> --
> *******************
> She/whispered/'Oh/my/goodness/what/are/all/these/squirrels/doing/here?'
> *******************
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