Meeting 1110

November 6, 2011

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice-President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy),

Began 8:01

30 people attended

We established a party jar

The minutes for meeting 1109 were accepted as 'accepted'

the Treasurer reported that at meeting 1109 we took in $34.50 in the
regular jar & $27.50 in the party jar & that at meeting 1106 we took in
$32.41 in the regular jar & $31.25 in the party jar

The VP was missing - but there were rumors that he got trimmed and that the
next 'Drink Tank' will have a Mo Starkey cover

The President had nothing fannish to report but we said 'hi' to Sheldon
Linker - a LASFAn visiting us for the 1st time & also to JC - a graphic
designer that Josh encouraged to visit [he is a fan - so google 'kryptonean
wedding' for nifty pics]

Glenn announced that SMOFcon will be in Amsterdam Dec 2-4

Fred announced that Nov 9 will have a country-wide emergency systems test

Dave C announced that Terry Pratchett's book 'Snuff' has the same cover in
Britain & the US & agrees = 'Herb Caen for president'

Adrienne announced that Bay Area Ghost Hunters is having its 5th
anniversary on Nov 13 at the Old Spaghetti Factory in SJ at 1pm - there
will be speakers & a raffle

Howeird announced that Leslie Fish is going to get married Nov 13 &
announced that this Thursday will be the Thai festival of the full moon

Lisa announced that her Oklahoma friends are getting tired of earthquakes,
tornadoes and weather in general

Dann announced that Kirby lied to him & he is again looking for employment

[tall] Kevin announced that he is now a homeowner

Glenn reviewed 'Funny Times' as a comedy clipping service, enjoyable &
recommended &  reviewed 'Dragon Age' as having an OK combat system & really
likes the writing and characterizations - really likes the game

Dave C reviewed 'Detective Dee & the Mystery of the Phantom Flame' as a fun
film, worth matinee and only tangentially related to Judge Dee; he also
reviewed Territory' by Emma Bull as a fun read and worth full price

Howeird noted that on Facebook some new authors are offering their works
for free ... for a reason & reviewed 'Money Ball' as he rather enjoyed it
as worth full price

Dave G reviewed World Fantasy Con as a good con & that the facilities had
accessibility issues - in a bad way

I reviewed 'Devil in the White City' by Erik Larson as a good read that
seems well-researched and gives a good picture of the 1890's Chicago - and
the 1893 Chicago World's Fair - with an overachieving mass murderer working
in the background & I also reviewed a Syfy movie - 'War of the Worlds 2' as
mind-numbingly awful - burn it with fire!

[evil] Kevin reviewed several wine release day parties as there was some
craziness with crowds and annoying people - and advises if you want to try
this, go early - so they are worth full price, if you go early

Andy reviewed the Sweidsh production, 'Så Mycket Bättre' as musical reality
TV - a charming and fun little show

We then did auctions

we adjourned at 9:36 pm

Rumor of the Week: 'Prawns in Perilous Pots'

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