Meeting 1109

October 31, 2011

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice-President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy),

Began 8-ish

22 people attended

We established a party jar

The minutes for meeting 1107 were accepted as 'happy birthday, Barbara'

there was no Treasurer or proxy treasurer's report

The VP reported that there is a new 'Drink Tank' out – centered on
'Rollerball' & that another 'Drink Tank' will be out soon

The President had nothing fannish to report

We then did auctions – & I was birthday auctioned off for $11.00 to Trey

Adrienne announced that Bay Area Ghost Hunters is having its 5th
anniversary on Nov 13 at the Old Spaghetti Factory in SJ at 1pm - there
will be speakers & a raffle

Mo announced that she has studio space at the Art Citadel & they now host
gallery showings - and Mo will be having a gallery showing either Nov 4 or 5

Chris announced that there will be a Computer Animation lecture at the
Computer History museum on Nov 8, 7pm & it's free

Dann announced that he is now a Kirby vacuum sales rep [so wish him luck]

Dave C announced that this weekend will have BasCon at the Embassy Suites
in South San Francisco [& it may be the last one] & he announced that 'Rare
Exports, a Christmas Tale' is coming out in time for Christmas

Diane announced that she has free stuff to give away

Bradford reviewed World Fantasy Con as he survived - had a good time &
really enjoyed himself

Dave C reviewed World Fantasy Con as ... a convention - that Connie Willis
really likes the TV show 'Primeval' & the con was worth full price; he also
reviewed 'Ghost of a Chance' by Simon Green - as the book is possessed by
the spirit of the 3rd person narrator

Howeird reviewed a production of 'Snoopy' at the Sunnyvale Community
Theatre as it had an amazing cast - well worth seeing at full price;
reviewed 'Puss-in-Boots' seen in 2D as not worth matinee & it didn't really
work for him & reviewed his nephew's wedding in Baltimore as well worth
full price - he reconnected with a lot of people

Diane reviewed [evil] Kevin's costume workshop as educational & that the
tour of Tech Shop SJ was good fun for all; [evil] Kevin followed that he
helped people make stuff and had a good time

Dann reviewed 'Batman Year One' as done in an anime style and definitely
worth full price - & there were several delayed comments agreeing with
this; then Dann reviewed the Robert Downey 'Sherlock Holmes' as well
written, with a good story - worth full price - & then discussion broke out
for a bit

John reviewed 'Paranormal Activity 3' as enjoyably scary with an
exhibitionistic ghost; Mo followed with the opinion that 'less is more' for
making horror & Chris also reviewed it as he was the only one in the
theatre to see it at that showing & he found himself viewing it as a 'how
to' movie construction project

[newly evil] Harold reviewed 'Once Upon a Time' and 'Grimm' as he rather
liked the 1st more than the 2nd & they were worth not having to pay for
either of them

Adrienne reviewed 'Bedlam' on the BBC as she is rather enjoying the series
so far

Andy reviewed 'Captain America' as worth the on-Demand pay rental &
reviewed 'Thor' as also worth the on-Demand pay rental & had beautiful
costumes & he reviewed the last 2 episodes of 'The Fades' as 'Oh my god
that's fucked up!' & is still worth stealing & will be worth buying on DVD
when available - & Mo agreed

Chris reviewed Sondheim's 'Sweeney Todd' as it still held up & was
fantastic & reviewed the soundtrack to the 'Book of Mormon' as it creeped
him out & was hilarious

we adjourned at 9:49pm

Rumor of the Week: 'Trick or Treat.  There is no try'

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