Meeting 1105 October 3, 2011
Trey Haddad, President Chris Garcia, Vice-President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale Began around 8pm - called to order by Dave G 25 people attended We immediately did auctions - birthday auctioned Garth off to Joni for $6.00 - the auctioned off a lot of other stuff in the 'Howeird is planning to move' jumble sale Dave G had to leave - & then we established a party jar The minutes for meeting 1104 were accepted as 'TMI' the proxy Treasurer report was that at meeting 1104 we took in $9.10 in the regular jar & $3.55 in the party jar The VP was mysteriously missing The President had nothing fannish to report Announcements: [tall] Kevin announced that he visited Fernley without causing mayhem in Reno & announced that he is looking for smaller harddrives for an upgrade of Lisa's laptop [a Panasonic CF27 tough book] Eric announced that TCM is showing Buster Keaton movies this week Mike announced that Book Finders is selling really nice book bags - and you need to bring your own bags there now Howeird announced that the Chronicle newsstand outside has the headline showing 'Can the Giants Repeat' Rick announced that on Oct 11 there will be a Pecha Kucha 'Tell Your Story' event at the Sonoma Chicken Coop In Campbell Adrienne announced that Bay Area Ghost Hunters will be doing a tour of haunted Haight Ashbury for $18 at 7pm on Sat Oct 8; they'll gather at Coffee to the People at 6:45 & her group is having dinner earlier at 'All You Need' & she announced that a friend of hers, Monique Lisa, is playing at Lily Mac's with Cadillac Jack on Saturday, Oct 15 at 9pm Reviews: Dann reviewed 'Apollo 18' as having a premise akin to 'Cloverfield' & highly recommended - a really creepy film - worth full price Adrienne reviewed the Chicago Ghost Conference 3 as not nearly as well-organized as local sf conventions & the hotel was several miles away from the site [so it was a case of remote viewing] - there were interesting speakers & she had an interesting time [evil] Kevin reviewed the sing-a-long at the Retrodome for 'Lonely Hearts Club Band' as the movie was so bad they pulled the dialogue and had George Burns narrate the movie & the Dome was worth full price but the film was a travesty & still rubbish [Rick 'So the movie WAS the spoiler']; Andy reviewed it as 'not the worst movie ever made - but close', however the Retrodome is highly recommended; Ken follow-on'd that the costumes were fun & everything but the film itself was golden Andy reviewed the Dr Who season finale as he has mixed feelings about it, bit it's still worth watching; various other comments were made - sans spoilers Rick reviewed APE the Alternative Press Expo as there was an amazing number of people there, he made some good purchases, went with his family & it was worth the admission price; Brad follow-on'd that he went Saturday & enjoyed the art & found it a very friendly environment - worth full price Chuck reviewed several Bob Wilkins-related things as bringing back happy memories of his childhood - check out & a portion of the DVD revenue goes to Alzheimer's research Fred reviewed 'Caberet' at the SF Stage as a really good production - and will be here for several weeks - but the tickets are selling -fast!- - he highly recommends it Dave C reviewed 'Mysteries of the Diogenes Club' by Kim Newman - part 2 - as there IS a glossary & section that explains the wheres and what-fors at the end of the book [tall] Kevin reviewed an article by Cheryl Morgan in SFX - about a movie being made in Finland called 'Iron Sky' as it sounds fantastic [so go read Cheryl's article!] we adjourned at 9:42pm Rumor of the Week: 'the Giants repeat in 2012' -- ******************* She/whispered/'Oh/my/goodness/what/are/all/these/squirrels/doing/here?' *******************
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