Meeting 1102

September 12, 2011

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice-President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy),

Began after 8 pm

32 people attended

The minutes for meeting 1101 were accepted as 'accepted'

the Treasurer reported that at meeting 1101 we took in $11.85 in the regular

The VP was not here

The President had nothing fannish to report & we said 'hi' to Chuck Serface
- visiting us for the 1st time - newly returned from the Peace Corps in
Ukraine & now working for Santa Clara

[evil] Kevin announced that Subterranean Press has done a new edition of
Hughart's Master Li 7 Number Ten Ox for $45 - check

Gery announced that they need Thriller dancers - see her

[tall] Kevin announced that he will be commuting  a lot and repairs are

Mo announced that she has new studio space

Diane announced that she is looking to move closer to SF & looking for a
place to rent &/or roomates

We did lots of auctions

Dave G reviewed the Atomic Testing Museum in NV as full of interesting
things & reviewed 'Evil Dead the Musical' as splashy, extra gory & highly

Fred reviewed Burning Man as worth more than full price & reviewed the
Tachyon Press 16th anniversary party as very nice

[tall] Kevin reviewed one downside of the new house as 'the commuters headed
to Burning Man' & reviewed the Worldcon business meetings as successful &
he's been doing a lot of driving

Diane reviewed the Miramar restaurant in Cypress Point off Hwy 1 as well
worth full price

Rick reviewed DC's trashing their comics continuity and then the reissues as
Fanboy Planet is reviewing them and he can only recommend 3 of the flood
that he has seen so far [new Superman, Justice League & Batgirl] - and that
with the enormous print runs issued that they are likely to not gain much in

Dann reviewed enjoying doing cartooning class and that one of the best
Mexican restaurants they've ever been to is right near the studio = 869 S
First St, SJ, 'the 5 Spot' - huge meals, low prices and absolute heaven

Ed reviewed 5 books by Michael Z Williams - all set in the same space opera
universe - as highly recommended - especially 'Contact with Chaos' & also
reviewed 'Contagion' as excellent and boring and worth matinee

[evil] Kevin reviewed the Best Buck in the Bay as as small but fun - the
buckles were shiny! - he & Andy did goat dressing and the goat squirmed a
lot & they had a good time; Andy follow-on'd that the daytime events were
lightly attended & the night time events were much more heavily attended &
they had faux animal rights protests for an hour [who wore leather] & also
reviewed that they had breakfast at Cafe Flore which has amazing roast
potatoes - had dinner at Barracuda Sushi and had really good,
reasonably-priced sushi [drooling now] & then had breakfast at Criolla
Kitchen as 'OMG soul food Louisiana!!' - that they do chicken & waffles and
duck gizzards & waffles - it was divine and absolutely, definitely worth
full price

Brad reviewed visiting the LASFS club house as it had very nice facilities

we adjourned at 9:50 pm

Rumor of the Week:  'goat dressing - it's not just for dinner anymore'

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