Meeting 1096
August 1, 2011
Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale
Began approximately 8:02 p.m.
President, Secretary and Vice President absent
Treasurer presiding
Adrienne Foster, acting minute taker
28 people attended
The minutes of meeting 1095 were read and needed a couple of corrections:
        Fred said in his review of the SF Museum of Modern Art to allow at 
least 3½ hours for a visit.
        Dave C. said the book he read was Cthulu's Reign.
With that, the minutes were accepted as mumble, mumble, mumble.
Treasurer said at meeting no. 1095 we collected $19.75 in the regular jar. 
$14.25 was collected in the party jar, giving it a total of $168.02.
The President's proxy said that he had nothing fannish to report.
The VP's proxy said his fingers were nubulized and there's a new Drink Tank 
out. The proxy also added that Dave Langford has more issues of Ansible than 
there are of Drink Tank.
In BASFA business, a vote determining the details for the Montego BASFA meeting 
at Reno will take place next week.
The Sports Committee said that Star Wars night at AT&T Park has been sold out. 
Dave G. says he also has the opportunity to purchase additional tix for $20 at 
the Giants game (against the Astros) on Thursday, August 25, for BASFAns. 
Contact him if interested.
Howeird announced that he has been rehired by Motorola Mobility and it's Herman 
Melville's birthday.
Kevin S. mumbled something again.
Dave C. had a few reminders to make. The first being the Psychotronics Film 
Festival is this Saturday, August 6, presumably at Foothill College.
        He also said Ken, who was absent at the meeting, will be featuring 
Scopatones on his KFJC radio show from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Thursday.
        Dave C. also reminded us that Renovation is 16 days away. Following on, 
Spike invited everyone to the bid party London in 2014 is throwing. Kevin S. 
said the Hugo Awards website will be live streaming the ceremony Saturday 
evening. I also arranged a special Reno ghost walking tour for the convenience 
of Renovation members on Wednesday evening. Cost is $16 in advance, $20 "at the 
door." For more details, please go to:
Kevin R. announced that Westercon 66 is now an official SFSFC production.
Dave G. announced that there is a special wine walking tour of downtown Reno on 
Saturday afternoons and could make a good off-site excursion during Renovation. 
For more information, please go to:
I reminded everyone that Psychic Irma Slage will be speaking at the Bay Area 
Ghost Hunters meetup this Saturday and be giving everyone short readings as 
well. We're charging $10 to cover expenses. For more details, please go to:
Dann and MO recommended the movie Coffee & Cigarettes, which is an artsy film 
that features actors doing improv by having conversations over coffee and 
I saw and enjoyed How to Train Your Dragon enough for it to be my favorite 
among the Dramatic Presentation—Long Form Hugo nominees. Although I'm really 
annoyed that Ballantine split Connie Willis's novel, Blackout/All Clear, I 
found the story and characters absorbing and highly recommended it; however, 
the hardbound first editions together cost $52.00. (If it had sold as a single 
volume, it could have knocked around $15.00 off the price.)
Dave C. recommended Cowboys & Aliens. He says 2D is worth full price.
        MO followed on that she enjoyed the reviews for it on IO5.
MO has been catching up on the new season of Torchwood and has been really 
enjoying it. She likes the new mix of characters.
Howeird saw the live performance of Our Miss Gibb at the Mountain View Center 
for the Performing Arts. He thought it was a very charming show. The last 
performance will be in Walnut Creek on Saturday and he liked it enough to go 
see it again. He said it's definitely worth a long drive.
Dave G. and Spring saw Cars 2 and Dave said Spring liked it.
We did auctions.
Rumor of the Week:
"Fears of the impending apocalypse were abated when Cowboys & Aliens narrowly 
edged out the Smurfs for the no. 1 slot in box office earnings last weekend by 
a mere $800,000."
We adjourned at 9:22 p.m.
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