Meeting 1094 July 18, 2011
Trey Haddad, President Chris Garcia, Vice-President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale Began at 8 pm - with zombies 29 people attended The minutes for meeting 1093 were accepted as 'in memory of my $300 of Borders gift certificates' there was no Treasurer's report The VP reported that there are 2 new 'Drink Tanks' out & he's looking for content for an issue about 'Dangerous Visions' by Harlan & the wifi is working The President had nothing fannish to report - although we welcomed visitors & said 'hi' to Julie & Karen Star Wars night at the Giants is still Sept 4 Announcements: Trey announced that Mo & Dann had their van broker into & subsequent investigation reveals that there have been a rash of auto break-ins along Lawrence Ken announced that there will be 2 Legion of Rasselon meetings - both this and next Friday at the Carls Jr on 1st & Trimble; & announced that on Aug 4th he will do a radio show from 10am till 2pm on KFJC & on Aug 6th will be a Psychotronic film festival at Foothill college Mo announced that they had items stolen - electronic that can be replaced and artwork that cannot & Dann follow-on'd that Best Buy offers a lo-jack system for computers that costs $35 and is so -very- worth it Andy announced that Worldcon is coming up - the 3rd weekend in August, that the Hugo deadline for ballot is July 31 & that John Scalzi has arranged for the Hugo voters' reading packet - then Andy announced that there is now a volunteers page for Westercon 66, to be held in 2013 - - so email them if you'd like to help out with areas that you are interested in Adrienne announced that Bay Area Ghost Hunters will have a book signing this Saturday at 1pm at Tommy's Joint in SF & there'll be a ghost walk special event for Renovation - check their website Carole announced rumors about future worldcons Dave C announced that Borders will be liquidated & announced that 'Going Postal' the Pratchett movie will be released on DVD & bluray on Dex 20 and NOT the Aug 12 release of the splatter flick of the same name Howeird announced that today is John's Glenn's birthday Diana announced that she will be going to Disneyland & pick up any kitsch requested Reviews: Fred reviewed James Randi's 'Amazing Meeting' as great Dave C reviewed the NA Discworld con as a good time was had by all - reviewed books = 'Beautiful Chaos' by Gary Russell as a YA-ish Dr Who book & 'Fighting for Air' by Eric Klinenberg as recommended whole=heartedly Chris reviewed the California Extreme Video & Pinball Expo as full of win & the concert was excellent - worth full price + 7% & reviewed seeing 'Deadly Hallows 2' as he thought it was very good; Aatheus follow-on'd that he also enjoyed 'HP7.2' & enjoyed seeing the fans as much as the movie - Howeird saw it and thought the last 30 seconds of Helena Bonham Carter's performance was worth the price of admission & Ken commented that he was disappointed to have room to breathe when he saw it but thought it was still worth full price Adrienne reviewed Torchwood ep 2 as it's worth having Starz for, Andy follow-on'd that it looked good & the writing team looks good & it's getting interesting, but Harold finds the evil government agency trope to be overused and boring Harold reviewed 'Alphas' as not worth missing a BASFA meeting to see - he hated it - & reviewed 'The Franchise' as someone is going to have to tranquilize Brian Wilson Ed reviewed Ralph Peters as not really writing science fiction [which is why that genre is called 'techno-thriller'] & his book 'Red Army' is really good & widely available Mo reviewed 'Sukiaki Western Jango' as a very interesting Western samurai mash-up & recommends it for rental We did auctions = sold a squirt gun for $0.75; a book for $0.25, magazines for $1.00 & $0.10, a printer for $0.25, a binder for $0.25, & a dvd/rw burner for $3.00 we adjourned at 9:42 pm Rumor of the Week: 'Chris' -- ******************* She/whispered/'Oh/my/goodness/what/are/all/these/squirrels/doing/here?' *******************
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