I don't know where Mo's car was. Mine was in the set of spaces to right as you enter the parking lot, facing Oakmead.



On 7/16/2011 10:36 AM, Adrienne Foster wrote:
Exactly where in the parking lot were these cars located when these incidents happened? I'm wondering if it would make a difference. I usually park in front of the restaurant, which is visible to the expressway, and to date I haven't had any problems. Knock wood. I'm going to ensure I take my backpack inside every time I go to this Coco's now. I wouldn't be surprised if part of this has to do with how close this Coco'c is to the freeway.

--- On *Sat, 7/16/11, Glenn Glazer /<glenn.gla...@gmail.com>/* wrote:

    From: Glenn Glazer <glenn.gla...@gmail.com>
    Subject: Re: [Basfa] Basfa Digest, Vol 52, Issue 3
    To: "MO Starkey" <colmaho...@yahoo.com>
    Cc: basfa@lists.basfa.org
    Date: Saturday, July 16, 2011, 10:22 AM

    +1.  I will recall to the members' attention that this is the same
    parking lot where some person did a hit-and-run on my car, denting
    and scratching it.



    On 7/13/2011 3:57 PM, MO Starkey wrote:
    Hi Guys,
    Just wanted to alert everyone who attended BASFA last Monday. My
    van was broken into and Dann had his lap top, digital camera and
    GPS stolen. I had my art pouch taken that contained my meds, four
    tickets to the Disney Family Museum and those cool stain markers
    from sharpie. We made a police report and the officer told us the
    'Lawrence Corridor' was problematic. The staff at CoCo's also
    told us they were all having trouble with things being stolen out
    of cars in their parking lot. The CoCo's staff were really good
    to us and very sympathetic. It could have all been a lot worse.
    But it wasn't. I had all my ID and registration in the  big bag,
    I brought with me into the restaurant.

    Just a FYI regarding safety.

    Most of you know we have been going through a really rough patch
    right now. Dann and I managed to move a five bedroom household in
    just under three weeks, and still maintain our jobs.  Moving is
    stressful on its own. All our possessions are in storage and we
    are still waiting for an apartment to get ready for us. It will
    take a few weeks to feel 'landed'. In the mean time, we are both
    pretty cranky, absent minded and generally 'spazzed'. But we
    still have our sense of humor, living the surreal life. Thanks
    for your understanding and moral support.

    Basfa mailing list

-- Westercon 64
    The First 7-bit Westercon

    July 1st to 4th, 2011
    Pro GoH: Patricia McKillip
    Artist GoH: Kaja&  Phil Foglio
    Fan GoH: Mike Willmoth
    www.westercon64.org  <http://www.westercon64.org/>

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    Basfa mailing list

Westercon 64
The First 7-bit Westercon

July 1st to 4th, 2011
Pro GoH: Patricia McKillip
Artist GoH: Kaja&  Phil Foglio
Fan GoH: Mike Willmoth

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