Meeting 1093
July 11, 2011
Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale
Began approximately 8:05 p.m. as we played around on Coco's new free wifi
Secretary and Vice President absent
Adrienne Foster, acting minute taker
23 people attended
We established a party jar.
The reading of the minutes for meeting 1090 were given up on by a consensus. 
Minutes for meeting 1092 were accepted as "Olive your Westercons are belong to 
Treasurer reported that at the last meeting we took $29.71 in the regular jar 
and $21.75 in the party. At the special edition meeting held at 6 p.m. at 
Westercon 64, BASFA collected $21.00 to be donated to Japanese earthquake 
No one offered a proxy VP report.
President had nothing fannish to report.
The Sports Committee did not remind us again that September 4 is Star Wars 
night at AT&T Park.
Kevin R. announced that Renovation is coming up and it still has a few rooms in 
its block at the Peppermill available. He already has 10 entries preregistered 
for the masquerade. Kevin S. added on that the Atlantis is offering some 
bargain rates post-con.
        Kevin & Andy ask everyone to join them for Westercon 66, which they 
will be chairing. They have been spending the last week setting up their 
internet presence. The convention's main URL is, but 
it also has accounts on Facebook, Twitter, and I think Andy said something 
about Yahoo and Google.
MO does not currently have any internet access, so anyone trying to contact her 
should do it by phone.
Jo announced he will be redesigning an official SMOF website.
Ed said Art Crum just did Genesis at the San Jose Museum of Modern Art and has 
announced a graphic story competition.
Spring said Vintacon will be held in Lodi this October. More details will be 
announced later.
After a recent visit to Reno, Kevin S.—always with SMOFfing on the mind—scoped 
the hotels and believes it would be an excellent location for a Westercon. 
However, he believes a recent redecorating at the Silver Legacy does not fit in 
with the hotel's theme.
        He added that chairing the business meeting at Westercon 64 was a 
remarkable experience. He prepared for it the night before with Ben Yallow. 
Kevin S. plans on posting the video record of the meeting soon.
I reviewed one the Hugo-nominated novel, The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms, as 
absorbing. N.K. Jemison has a strong main character with plenty of interesting 
conflict. If I had to choose between the two I've read so far, this would be 
the one. I still have three more nominations to read.
        I also saw the season opener of Torchwood. When I called to add Starz 
to my U-verse package, the sales rep said I should have access within a half 
hour. I told him that was fine, as long as I had it in time to see Torchwood. 
He said, "Is that what it is? I've already had three other calls to start Starz 
this afternoon. That show is making them money." I enjoyed the episode, but 
it's still a little too early to say whether it was worth ordering Starz.
        Valerie followed on that she believes it will definitely attract fans.
        Andy had a lot of fun watching it and looks forward to seeing how it 
turns out.
Jo had to deal with some unappreciated politics in his racing circles [I 
presumed he's talking about motorcycles] and is temporarily gafiating from that 
activity for a year to avoid dealing with the current event organizers.
        He also added that his ereader, eePad, has a fantastic battery life and 
is incredibly happy with it.
We did auctions.
Rumor of the Week:
"Two years of olive puns to go."
We adjourned at 9:48 p.m.
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