Meeting 1091
June 27, 2011
Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale
Began promptly at 8:00 p.m., with a lot of braying
President and secretary absent
Vice president presiding
Adrienne Foster, acting minute taker
23 people attended
We established a party jar.
The reading of minutes for meeting 1090 were postponed until next week.
Treasurer reported that at the last meeting we took $10.01 in the regular jar 
and and $24.25 in the party, respectively giving us totals of $11, 481.11 and 
$126.42 after meeting 1090.
The VP reported there is no new Drink Tank out and there were many shudders and 
We assumed the President had nothing fannish to report, since he wasn't there
The sports committee reminded us that Sept. 4 is Star Wars night at AT&T Park. 
The Giants will be playing against the Phillies and there will be a lot of 
little perks for those sitting in the Star Wars section.
I announced that my group, Bay Area Ghost Hunters, now has over 600 
members. BAGH's next meetup will be a book signing with Parapsychologist Loyd 
Auerbach and Psychic Medium Annette Martin, who collaborated on their new book, 
The Ghost Detectives' Guide to San Francisco. It will be at 1 p.m. on Saturday, 
July 23, at Tommy's Joynt in San Francisco. For more details, please go to:
Glenn reminded everyone that Westercon 64 is this weekend at the Fairmont Hotel 
in San Jose. They still have rooms available. For more details, please go to:
Andy had a scare when he thought his computer might have crashed with all of 
his files for his Granzella Westercon bid, but everything was recovered and 
everything looks good. He and Kevin R. will spring into action this weekend.
Ken said he will be doing a special Dark Shadows show from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 
tomorrow on KFJC to mark its 40th anniversary. (It will be available in the 
KFJC archives for anyone who misses it.)
Keven R. announced the May issue of Yipe! Is now on their website and the June 
installment will be up soon.
        Tiki Dalek will also put in an appearance at Westercon 64.
Kevin S. said The Match Game will have two shows at Westercon 64, with the 
Folios appearing in one of them. He can also use some new questions.
        He also announced that there is another bid for Westercon this year, 
Needles in 2013, the Route 66 bid.
Fred announced that Martin H. Greenberg died June 25. In addition to all of his 
editing work, he helped found the SciFi Channel.
I have been collecting the 2003 editions of the soundtracks from James Bond 
movies, but have been kind of frustrated trying to determine which have added 
bonus tracks. The bonus tracks aren't just limited to the soundtracks composed 
by John Barry. Live & Let Die, which was primarily done by George Martin, has 
them too. However, I found no additions to From Russia with Love and didn't 
think it was worth returning to Amazon, so I put it up for auction.
Howeird reviewed the 456 Chinese restaurant on Pruneridge (by Saratoga) as 
agreeing with Chris's assessment of the pork dumplings: they're delicious. He 
gives the establishment 6 or 7 stars. It looks tacky on the outside, but it's 
very nice on the inside.
Debbie really liked the Scalzi's latest novel, Fuzzy Nation, which is a rewrite 
of H. Beam Piper's work, and recommends it.
Glenn said he, Dave C., Sandra, and Kevin S. appeared on KFJC earlier today to 
promote Westercon 64. Glenn likes doing radio.
Chris went to a games night and played Dixit. He said it's like Apples to 
Apples on PCP. It's fun to play with people who have imagination.
        He bought a Blue Ray copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows, Part 
1, and thought the extras were the most boring he's ever seen. Not worth the 
        He also went to Williams to visit Granzella's and suggests everyone 
stay at the Motel 6 to share his pain. Williams has 500 hotel rooms (which 
should cover the needs of a Westercon). Granzella's has biscuits he highly 
recommends. He ate olives and said the garlic ones were the second best he's 
ever had. He was unable to check out the bar because it had a private party. He 
was thrilled to see a Straw Hat Pizza in the town.
                Bob added on that his brother reviewed the blueberry pie at 
Granzella's as too sweet.
We did auctions.
Rumor of the Week:
We passed all of the nominations, including:
Knives being magnetized are a sign of polar shift.
Is it true what they say about Dixit?
Glenn thinks he's in Japan because he believes the sun rises from the Pacific.
Glenn will light the Westercon torch and run it to Santa Clara.
Sadly, Glenn and the torch will not make it, having been arrested for 
an illegal fireworks display.
The Westercon procrastinators panel will be held Monday night at 10 p.m. in the 
fountain of Plaza de Cesar Chavez.
Did anyone see the show on Dragoncon on KTEH last night?
Martian law fails for lack of a second.
Glenn remembered.
Being rumored makes me very angry.
The death of my rumors have been greatly exaggerated.
Mitt Romney
This will be the last rumor of the night.
We adjourned at 9:40 p.m.
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