Meeting 1090

June 20, 2011

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice-President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy),

Began at 8 pm - with a nod towards fascists & Chris Garcia officiating

we established a party jar

24 people attended

The minutes for meeting 1089 were accepted as 'florally enhanced'

the Treasurer reported that at meeting 1089 we took in $28.71 in the regular
jar & $41.75 in the party jar - and that Aatheus forgot the magazine he
bought at BASFA auction last week

The VP almost had nothing fannish to report as there was no new 'Drink Tank'
out - but he is still looking for reviews of the Hugo nominated novels -
send them to him at

The President was not present

The Sports Committee reported that Star Wars at at the Giants will be Sept 4

It is possible that there will be a BASFA meeting at Coco's on July 4

Bob announced that there is a new e2PMI out on with a gorgeous
Mo cover

Adrienne announced that there's a 'Chicago Ghost Conference III' Sept30-Oct
1 at the Portage theatre, membership $35.00 & an $83.00 room rate at the
Comfort Inn

Dave C announced that Neil Gaiman is coming out to talk in California - but
the event is already sold out

[evil] Kevin announced that he has the jam with Alex up on his LJ from the
IBM centennial & that he'll be the Master of Ceremonies for the Westercon
Masquerade - plus the Tiki Dalek was in the 'Dr Who Insider'

Dann announced that starting July 6 and for the next 6 weeks there will be
free concerts at the Santa Clara Central Park off Kiely ave

Ken announced that there will be a Legion of Rasselon meeting at the Carl's
Jr this Friday, 7:30 at 1st & Trimble

Ed announced that Scalzi's 'Fuzzy Nation' was a good read

Andy announced that an important olive-based fact will be published this
Friday sometime on Twitter & Facebook

Lisa announced that Westercon is in 2 weeks & there will likely be a BASFA
meeting at the bar at 6pm - then [tall] Kevin follow-on'd that there will be
2 Match Games at Westercon

Mo announced that they are moving and need boxes desperately

Jo reviewed 'Kung Fu Panda 2' as an excellent direct-to-DVD  follow-on but
that it wasn't exactly a movie

Adrienne reviewed 'Feed' by Mira Grant [Seanan McGuire] as hard for her to
struggle through and that there was too much exposition; Chris follow-on'd
that he couldn't finish it, I follow-on'd that I found it a quick read and
enjoyed it & especially enjoyed that the author lied to the readers because
the protagonists were being lied to

[tall] Kevnin - AKA 'Cuddles' reviewed that as he drove back from Oregon he
passed from winter to spring to summer - and that it rained mightily upon
him when he was in Oregon & he heartily recommends 'Camp 18' in Oregon as an
excellent restaurant

Ed [see announcements] also reviewed 'Super 8' as the best train crash ever
- Chris followed that 'The Case' was an excellent little film & then Ed
reviewed 'Green Lantern; as a well-done comic book

Dave C reviewed the syfy 'Moby Dick' as he could only take 2 minutes of it
before fleeing the house to go see 'Troll Hunter' - a 'documentary' & in
comparison he gives it his full out recommendation & that it was worth full
price [Bill's comment was 'so this was Mutual of Oslo's Wild Kingdom?']

Harold reviewed 'Falling Skies' as worth whatever the hell is shown Sundays
['Not Iron Chef! - last night was Battle lemon!'] - while Andy followed that
it wasn't a complete crapfest & [evil] Kevin wanted his 4 hours back; then
Harold reviewed 'Countdown' on Current TV as he plans to keep watching it &
reviewed 'Cave of Forgotten Dreams' as highly recommended in 3D and had
pretentious narration

[evil] Kevin reviewed a 'Vex of Velociraptors' as excellent

Mo - AKA 'Fluffy' - reviewed 'King of Kong' as  really worth watching

Carole reviewed Whoopi Goldberg giving a talk ash she is a very enjoyable
speaker who uses the 'f' word a lot, but it was still worth full price

Chris reviewed 'Super 8' & '5 Guys Burgers' as both are highly recommended &
reviewed 'Xmen 1st Class' as the fx were very good & worth $3.85

we adjourned at 9:28 pm

Rumor of the Week:  'Chris wishes he had issues'

And then there were auctions:   birthday auctioned off Carole for $9.00 to
Bill & then other things were sold

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