Meeting 1089

June 13, 2011

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice-President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy),

Began at 8-ish pm - with olive talk

we established a party jar

31 people attended

The minutes for meeting 1088 were accepted as 'octarine'

the Treasurer reported that at meeting 1087 we took in $2.95 in the regular
jar & $8.80 in the party jar

The VP reported that there's a new 'Drink Tank' out on - with
a Mo cover - and he's looking for reviews of the Hugo nominated novels -
send them to him at

The President reported that there is depressing stuff about Terry Pratchett
on LJ

The Party Committee reported that he intends to hold a BASFA party at
Westercon - at least on Friday night

The Sports Committee reported that Star Wars at at the Giants will be Sept 4

Fred made a motion to have auctions then and it passed

We did auctions:   birthday auctioned off Eric for $9.00 to the secretary;
sold a dalek with a fex for $4.00;  CDs for $1.00, $0.75, $1.25, then Fred
had principles & $1.00;  sunglasses for $2.00,  fanzines for $0.50,  a
rolodeck for $1.00,  a cable for $5.00,  books for $1.00, $0.25, $0.50,
$1.25,  mousepads for $1.00 & $0.50;    magazines for $3.00, $1.00, $1.50,
$0.25, $0.25, $1.00, $4.00, $5.00 & $1.00,  & a pouch for $2.00

Diane announced that she has a job now in the Financial District

Lisa announced that the PR from Westercon has hit the mails

Chris announced that the 'Dune' issue of 'Journey Planet' is out on

Valerie announced that the Pirate Faire & the County faire are both this

Andy announced that there is a dark green bid for Westercon 66

I reviewed 'Xmen First Class' as okay, worth matinee & reviewed 'Abominable'
- a syfy flick - as truth in advertising & that it looked like they used old
wookie costumes & not really worth sitting thru unless one suffered from

Mike reviewed 'Super 8' as that everyone had daddy issues & the plot was
stitched together out of a dozen other movies - worth matinee - and Chris
follow-on'd that it was a fantastic 2 minutes

Ed reviewed John Scalzi's book 'God Engines; as dark and too horrible for
him but still recommended

Carole reviewed 10 hours of going thru stuff as that much stuff found new &
loving homes, but that much other stuff remained - if interested, come see

Howeird reviewed a play = 'Tongue of a Bird' seen at the Dragon Theatre in
Palo Alto as ambiguous with lots of monologues but the cast & director were
great - it was worth matinee but the talk back opportunity afterwards was
worth full price & reviewed the National Geographic 'LotR' doco as having
high production values

Jo reviewed going thru a cloudburst as not worth full price

Chris reviewed rodents as worth it & reviewed 'Who Killed Science Fiction'
by Earl Kemp as fabulous

[evil] Kevin reviewed 'Undead or Alive' as seen to spare us all

Fred commented that 'The Book of Mormon' as having won a Tony award &
available on Amazon for $1.99

Bill reviewed Bujold's latest 'Cryo Burn' as mediocre & recommends 'vote for
something else'

we adjourned at 9:43 pm

Rumor of the Week:  'Xmen First Class, everyone else coach'

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