I'll do my best to make Baycon, westercon might be a stretch.  You guys
going up to Worldcon in Reno this year?

On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 10:17 AM, Glenn Glazer <glenn.gla...@gmail.com>wrote:

>  Welcome, Jon!
> We're a friendly bunch and don't take attendance, so show up when you want,
> as often as you want.
> While we're here, you might want to know about two local conventions coming
> up just around the corner:
> Baycon (Memorial Day Weekend) http://baycon.org/2011/
> Westercon 64 (July 4th Weekend) http://www.westercon64.org/
> Best,
> Glenn
> On 5/17/2011 9:17 AM, Jonathan Del Arroz wrote:
> Hello,
> My name is Jon and I'm an avid science fiction fan, and in the past year
> I've been doing a lot of writing as well.  I'd say my favorites are Anne
> McCaffrey, David R. Palmer (who is so hard to find!),  Heinlein and in
> television/comics J. Michael Straczynski.
> I'm not sure if it's appropriate just to post to the list here, but since
> I'm about an hour away from your meetings up in the east bay (Danville),
> I'm not sure how often I'm going to actually be able to make it out there.
> Definitely would be interested in connecting with more like minded people to
> talk about sci-fi anything, and I'm always looking for people to get
> involved in some sort of writing group with, whether it be online or in
> person.   So feel free to email, IM, whatever works!
> Thanks,
> Jon Del Arroz
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> --
> Westercon 64
> The First 7-bit Westercon
> July 1st to 4th, 2011
> Pro GoH: Patricia McKillip
> Artist GoH: Kaja & Phil Foglio
> Fan GoH: Mike Willmothwww.westercon64.org
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