Meeting 1085

May 16, 2011

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice-President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy),

Began at 8:00 pm - with Trey being wrong

we established a party jar

26 people attended

The minutes for meeting 1084 were accepted as 'Contiki 2 - invasion of the

the Treasurer reported that at meeting 1084 we took in $6.50 in the regular
jar & $20.00 in the party jar

The VP reported that the 'Drink Tank' handicapping the Hugos is out & on - that the 'Dune' issue of 'Journey Planet' should be out
soon, as should another 'Drink Tank'

The President had nothing fannish to report

the Sports Committee reminded us that Sept 4 is Star Wars night for the SF

A motion was proposed and postponed indefinitely
A motion was proposed and voted down

Andy announced that hotel reservations have opened for FurCon but not yet
filled because of new requirements & that they have a room on the party
floor & are planning a Dr Moreau themed party

Ken announced that the Gallifrey room block opens this Friday

Chris announced that Linda says 'hi' & that June 15, 7:30pm at the Bluelight
theatre will show a simulcast of 'Company' with an awesome cast

[tall] Kevin made a comment comparing parliamentary procedure and the game
'Fluxx' & then regretfully announced that 'Salon Futura' is going on hiatus

Dave C reviewed 'Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter' as revelatory & worth

Diane reviewed 'Dragongirl of Pern' as very well written & she recommended
it [Howeird commented that it sounded 'Pernographic' and we all groaned];
then she reviewed 'Finder' by Terri Lynne DeFino as very nicely written and
worth full price

Tom reviewed a surf show as stirring and enjoyable

Adrienne reviewed the remastering of old James Bond movie soundtracks as
highly recommended with extra material & well worth repurchasing & she's
going back for more

Fred reviewed 'This Movie is not yet Rated' on DVD as highly recommended, if
only for the commentary track and suggests everyone buy the DVD

[tall] Kevin reviewed the Carson City [NV] Railway Museum as it's supposed
to be opened on Mondays & if you're interested in the subject matter you'll
enjoy it a lot & he reviewed staying at the Atlantis in Reno was well-priced
and he's blogging about it on LJ

Chris reviewed 'Bridesmaid' as disappointing - except for the porkupine -
and worth full porkupine & reviewed the 'Hundred Thousand Kingdoms' by NK
Jemisin as 'meh' & reviewed 'Dervish House' by Ian MacDonald as absolutely
fantastic and very Scottish & recommended highly & reviewed Eurovision as
seen with several Irish drunken businessmen & interesting and he highly
recommends it - and there were many follow-on's

[evil] Kevin reviewed their Eurovision party as they held it down to 12
hours, it was very energetic - Moldavia was robbed - and reviewed the latest
Dr Who episode as excellent

I reviewed 'Thor' as a lot better than I expected and worth full price - see
it in 2D & there were follow-on's

Mo reviewed weekend 2 of Open Artists studios in Cubberley as full of energy
and excellent artists, then on Sunday she saw Terri Hill's watercolors and
thought them exquisite; Dann follow-on'd with praise for the watercolors

We did auctions:  calender for $0.75 & $1.25;  books for $1.00, $0.50 &
$0.10;   a fantasy cookbook for $4.00;  stuff from LACon 2 for $0.25;  a CD
for $1.00;  dinosaur candles for $0.25;  a frame for $0.50;  a diorama for
$0.10;  a box for $0.25;  magazines for $0.25, $0.75, $0.75, $1.00, $0.25 &
$0.25 &  a bag for $1.00

we adjourned at 9:56 pm

Rumor of the Week:  'Barbara will be indicted for serial cheesecake

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