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Oh, my boys, my poncho boys, if we're going to die, let's go out looking like a 
Peruvian folk band.
- Amy Pond

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Marsia Powers <mar...@powersandpowers.com>
To: slayer...@yahoogroups.com; Dont Kill Spike Club 
<dontkillspikec...@yahoogroups.com>; JossBtVS <jossb...@yahoogroups.com>; 
Spoiler Crypt <spoiler-cr...@yahoogroups.com>; Succubus Club 
<kittyandca...@yahoogroups.com>; the_new_exi...@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Mon, May 9, 2011 11:33:48 AM
Subject: [Succubus Club] 2011 Can't Stop the Serenity Los Angeles

The California Browncoats present a SoCal Browncoats Can't Stop the 
Serenity Event.

Mark your calendars for June 25th! That is the date you and your friends 
will want to be at the Harmony Gold Theater in Hollywood. This will be 
an event to remember. Trust me, you don't want to miss it!

As you may know, the money raised at Can't Stop the Serenity events each 
year goes to Equality Now. I am are honored to have special guests 
Amanda and Jessica, executives from Equality Now, with us for the 
evening. They are coming from New York to personally thank us for our 
continued support of Equality Now. Pretty shiny, yes?

Well, that's not all.

I said you wouldn't want to miss this, right? That's because I am very 
honored to announce that Joss Whedon will be with us that evening. He 
wants to say a few words in person to the Browncoats for supporting 
Equality Now and Can't Stop the Serenity over the years. This is your 
chance to represent fans around the world.

The evening of June 25th will roll out like this*:

5PM-8PM - Theater Lobby Open for tickets, sales, donations
5:30PM - 7PM - Theater open for seating and pre-show events (auction, 
meet & greet, etc.)
7PM - Introduction by Jessica(EN) and Joss Whedon
8PM - Serenity
10PM - Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

Tickets are now on sale at www.californiabrowncoats.org/?p=453

$20.00 General Admission
$25.00 Limited Reserved Seats (25 available)
$50.00 Limited Reserved Seats, plus a Limited Edition Dollhouse 
lithograph (50 available)
$100.00 Limited Exclusive Meet and Greet with Joss Whedon (10 available, 
does not include a screening ticket)

Feel free to come in costume, Firefly/Serenity t-shirts, Jayne hats, 
etc. but please, no prop weapons.

Parking: There are two lots that each hold 50 cars, and there is ample 
street parking. We encourage you to carpool!

Location: Harmony Gold Preview Theater
7655 Sunset Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90046

Food and drink are not allowed in the theater, only bottled water. There 
are a variety of restaurants up to 4 blocks east of the theater, here 
are a few:
Cheebo 7533 Sunset Blvd(pizza and pasta)
Toi on Sunset 7501 1/2 Sunset Blvd.(Thai)
El Compadre 7408 Sunset Blvd.(Mexican)
Sunset Grill 7439 Sunset Blvd.
Sunset Thai Cuisine 7513 Sunset Blvd.
Gate of India 7300 #D Sunset Blvd.

Remember, if for any reason you are unable to attend the screening, you 
can still make a donation at the CABC page linked above.

Keep an eye on the event page for schedule changes, additional special 
guests announcements and ticket availability.

100% of the proceeds from all sales and donations (less paypal fees and 
theater expenses) will be donated to Equality Now.

*schedule is preliminary and may change. No more than 75 reserved seats 
will be available. Theater capacity is 380 seats.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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