Hi Everyone,
The Giants have announced their Star Wars Day Special Event this year for 
Sunday, September 4 at 1:05 PM against the Philadelphia Phillies.  At this 
tickets are $26 and the group section is in the Infield View Reserved seats.
From the Giants’ web site:
"The Force" was strong with our Giants in 2010 and now, you can participate in 
special day bringing together Giants and Star Wars fans alike! Your ticket 
package will include a ticket in our Star Wars section, access to our pre-game 
festivities and a very special Star Wars themed Giants giveaway item! Buy your 
tickets early as this event will sell out; enjoy a fun-filled day of Star Wars 
themed activity through the ballpark, while rooting on your Giants! Stay tuned 
for further details!
Tickets are available here.
No word yet on the scheduling of the Creature Features night.
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