Forwarding minutes taken by Diane O.

From: Diane O. []

Meeting minutes for BASFA # 1078

Meeting called to order @ 8:00p by acting president, Chris Garcia.

Party jar was established.
C Garcia: There is a new issue of Drink Tank out, Issue # 277 is a memorial to 
Tom Blixen.
No business or committee news

1. Dave Clark: Robot Wars / ComBots: 8th International RoboGames 04.15 - 
04.17.11 @ San Mateo Fairgrounds.
2. Kevin Roche: WonderCon this weekend, 04.01 - 04.03.11.
                               Don't miss out on Saturday evening's 
entertainment, RoboGames' BarBot2011
                               pariSoma, 169 11th St @ Natoma, $10 in advance, 
$15 at the door

Visitors: James Bacon, famous fannish personage known for his Chris Garcia 
impersonation @ CorFlu
    - BASFA approved motion to appoint James Bacon as the alternate Chris Garcia


Nova Albion

Andy: Worth full price. Had a blast. Continues to be a better con than it 
deserves to be. Parking improved. Registration, acoustics, etc. need more 
improvement. Lots of fun. Highly recommend booking conference at the same time 
as the Lego convention again.
Kevin R: Problems with communication between entertainment and technical 
people, needs work. Tiki Dahlek made an appearance, fit through doors of venue 
with ease, very popular with Lego roboticists, including Greg Kirihara [sic].
C Garcia: Impromptu acoustic cello concert at registration helped ease the wait 
in long lines.
Dave Clarke: Dealers Room and Mezzanine arrangements needed work, wouldn't pass 
muster with fire marshals.
Ed Stokke: Fun conference. Incredible Lego display. Steampunk also brought 
depth, new fans to con.
Mike: Was there an art show?  A: Art display of GOH Artist James Eng's work.
Fred: Overhead comments about Tiki Dahlek, lots of excitement and energy.
Kevin S: Loved the energy. Badges need work. Kaja Foglio pitched WesterCon.
Lisa: Good to see dealers make money. Programming was more costuming than 
C Garcia: Lots of interesting new folk. Enjoyed giving the key note, being on 
panel about under-appreciated cultures and steampunk. Food at Tosca excellent, 
much better than last year.
James B: 90% of con was having too much fun to notice any problems. Fun stuff. 
The people made the panels great.

General reviews
Tom - Surf Sunday @ Hotel Utah, SFO, 03.27.11. Great lineup: The Deadlies, 
Android Vasja [Surf duo from Estonia] and Pollo del Mar. Worth full price.
David G: Big Bag Voodoo Daddy @ Uptown Theater, Napa, 03.25.11. Good show. Cab 
Calloway tribute.
        Charles Schultz Museum @ Santa Rosa, 03.26.11.  Wine @ Castelo. All 
events much fun, worth full price.
Diane:  Computer History Museum @ Mountain View, 03.23.11. Fascinating, fun, 
worth full price.
        Book review: The Darker Mask - Heroes from the Shadows.  Excellent 
anthology, atypical heroes. Worth full price.
        Psyclone Rave @ Lupin, 03.26.11. Great group, fun line up of DJs, 
dancers, performers, etc. Worth full price.
Howard:  Carousel @ Montgomery Theater opened 03.26.11, runs through this 
weekend. Excellent chorus, orchestra.
                  Buy tickets now, will sell out. Worth full price.
        Audio book review: Stranger in a Strange Land. Wordy but good.
Mo:  Psycotronic. All new stuff, great fun. Collections of old TV commercials, 
clips, etc. Sci Fi Bob on Facebook shows tidbits from show. $5 donation. Really 
grand evening. Worth full price.
David C: Movie time.
         Saw "The Extraordinary Adventures of Adele Blanc Sec and Steamboy" at 
SFinSF. Main plot: Adele struggles to revive her sister from a coma after an 
unfortunate incident. Fun. Thrilling. Exciting without blowing things up. Worth 
full price if you can find it.
        "Paul" @ Grand Lake Theater @ Oakland starring Nick Frost. Fun chase. 
Worth full price.
Dann:  Book review: Farewell to the Master by Harry Bates. Fascinating story, 
worth reading. The 1951 movie "The Day the Eerth Stood Still" was based on this 
book. Worth full price.
Kevin R: Yipe will be publishing a special copy of Rag fanzine on 04.01.11. Get 
it will while you can. Regular issue will come out shorting after.

Treasurer's report, David G.
Regular Jar took in $4.79
Party Jar                   6.25
Salon Futura            3.50

Sports update, David G: We have tickets to SF Giants game. Those who have not 
paid for their tickets, please do so.
          Per SF Giants, BASFA can have name up in lights. Vote to have name as 
Bay Area Sci Fi Assoc.

New member: James Bacon, $5.

Approx. 15 - 25 people in attendance including a couple from Saratoga with 
license plate "TYMLORD".

Auction: Books, Blue Ray movie, Michael Jackson puffy stickers and James Bacon 
were auctioned off for money.

Rumor of the week: It's better with Bacon.

Meeting adjourned 9:30p.
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