Meeting 1075 March 7, 2011
Trey Haddad, President Chris Garcia, Vice-President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale Began at 8:03 p.m. with a Freudian slip President, vice president, and secretary absent Treasurer was late, but took over presiding from Eric Adrienne Foster, acting minute taker 25 people attended We established a party jar. The minutes for meeting 1074 were accepted as written in tiger's blood. Treasurer reported that BASFA currently has $11,303.51 in its general fund. The party fund has $114.82 and Salon Futura $38.60. The VP proxy report was there is a new Drink Tank out and Cinequest rocks. The president's proxy had nothing fannish to report. The sports committee proxy reported it may still have a couple of tix left for our baseball outing on Friday, May 6, at AT&T Park. It is an evening game to celebrate Willie Mays's 80th b-day and BASFA's name will go on the scoreboard. See Dave G. if interested. Ride sharing will have to be organized independently. Announcements: Ken has a job interview tomorrow morning and we wished him success. Tom said that Potlatch 21 will be in Seattle in 2012. Jack William Bell will chair. Memberships are currently available for $40. Dave Berry stopped by for a while to thank BASFA for helping him out. Glenn says Fogcon is next weekend and that Westercon 64 has opened up for hotel reservations. Spike said Dr. Demento will open at Renovation and be at its music night. Dave G. said that Creation will be at the Burlingame Hyatt and Spring will be selling there. Reviews: Lisa went to two conventions last weekend, Consonance and Potlatch. She enjoyed the silliness of Consonance. She didn't have time to read the book of honor for Potlatch, but the panels were interesting regardless. She hopes it will be back in two years. Glenn followed on that it was his first Potlatch and "Dog gone it, people like me!" He liked its coziness, met new peops, and had a great time. At Potlatch's auction, Ed picked up some audio books that he will donate to the library for the blind when he's finished with them. Fred enjoyed it and will go when it's held in Seattle next year. MO was informed she had a membership and t-shirt waiting for her at Potlatch, but was too burned out to go on Saturday. Tom said he nominated the book of honor and the committee voted to accept it. He saw the entire program. MO went to four cons—Gallifrey, Corflu, Games Developer Conference, and Potlatch—in three weeks and had a great time overall. Corflu intrigued her. She said hundreds of Androids and laptops were being given away at the GDC, but it is currently all about iPads. Special recognition was also given to a Craig and Cricket Fox for their past support. However, MO does not recommend four conventions back-to-back. Jo reviewed Wikipedia politics as little different than it is in fandom. Radioman is an asshole who is insisting that the BASFA entry is deleted, along with several other science fiction fan associations. The BASFA entry will most likely be removed. Glenn said that Daniel at It's About Time is a barber who actually shaves with a straight razor and does a great job. We did auctions. Rumor of the Week "I want to go home." We adjourned at 9:18 p.m. -- ******************* She/whispered/'Oh/my/goodness/what/are/all/these/squirrels/doing/here?' *******************
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