Meeting 1074 February 28, 2011
Trey Haddad, President Chris Garcia, Vice-President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 fwy), Sunnyvale Began 8pm - deciding that radiofan is not significant 26 people attended we established a Salon Futura jar we established a party jar Secretary’s report: the minutes from meeting 1072 were accepted as 'spung' & the minutes from meeting 1073 were accepted as 'there's an ape for that' the Treasurer was not present, but a proxy treasurer's report was that at meeting 1073 we took in $11.50 in the regular ja the Vice President reported that he has 4 new 'zines out at - 'Journey Planet '#8, a new 'Claims Department' and 2 new 'Drink Tanks' - #'s 274, 275 - with more to come & that the deadline for submission to the 'Journey Planet' 'Dune' issue is March 15 and that he is writing a speech The President reported that Rob & Val Campbell - BASFAns of long standing, sent us a check for $25.00 to cover a decade of pun fines - and there was a general sentiment of good feeling from the club about this The Party Committee reported that he needs help, being almost $300 in the hole from past parties - and needing contributions if BASFA wants a party run at Westercon Announcements: Chris announced that this weekend is Consonance at the Newark/Fremont Hilton & Lynn announced that there'll be great guests there [check the website at = Fred announced that the Contact conference has been postponed [evil] Kevin announced that his dad is doing remarkably well Lynn also announced that the Craig Ferguson show filmed at Gallifrey and at least 1 BASFAn was filmed - and that should be on TV tonight Howeird & Ken announced that [evil] Kevin won for his island survival suit [the tiki dalek] Adrienne & Mike & Lisa announced that Shaun Tan's 'The Lost Thing' won an Oscar & she announced that Karel is coming back to KGO for the 7pm-10pm weekend slots & there were various follow-ons for the Oscars Dave C announced that Potlatch will also be this weekend at the Domain & tomorrow night the Letterman show will have a musical number from the Spiderman musical Chris announced that Cinequest is beginning Bill announced that FogCon will be in 2 weeks - Andy added 'Holiday in GoldenGate' Reviews Gallifrey 1 was multiply reviewed: Andy said it was epic - bloated, insane & tremendous - with great parties; [evil] Kevin was awesome in recovering purloined vodka & the parties went until 4am, 4am and 2:30am; the tiki dalek went for a successful cruise in the halls & the drive back was ... a drive - worth full price; the live body count was over 2000; [evil] Kevin said there are videos and pictures of the tiki dalek on Facebook and elsewhere; Lisa reviewed that lobbycon started on Tuesday & it was an amazing time - it stormed outside and was ugly but they were safe inside with the robot fish & her donated handmade Dr Who scarf was auctioned off for $400 for the con's charity; Dave C reviewed it as the Dealer's room was near double last year & 'Gallifrey been bery, bery good to me'; Ken reviewed that they got to recycle their Spamalot costumes & were fabulously popular; Geri reviewed 'best con ever!'; Ken added 'go next year and get a room!' John reviewed Oscar films showed together - Winter's Bone, Black Swan, Inception & Social Network as a great experience - 12 straight hours of film - then he watched the Oscars the next day and actually agreed with most of the top picks; Adrienne follow-on'd that she also enjoyed the movies being shown together Dave C reviewed 'The Osiris Ritual' by George Mann as steampunkish but kind of 'by the numbers' and worth paperback & reviewed 'Unknown' as worth full price Howeird reviewed 'Death of a Salesman' at the Pear theatre [] as fairly well acted - worth full price & worth making reservations for Diane reviewed the 'Saffron Kitchen' by Yasmin Crowther as very well done & even better done on DVD Carole reviewed Conflict as a good time was had by all - despite sound issues & worth full price Adrienne reviewed 'Winter's Bone' as she loved it - 'Inception' & 'Black Swan' as not her kind of movies & 'Social Network' as nice Ken reviewed 'Xanadu the musical' at the Retrodome as very funny Bob reviewed having fun with Mentos and soda with kids watching as great fun We did auctions: a video for $0.50; a book for $0.25; comic books for $6.00 & DVDs for $6.00 We adjourned at = 10:11 pm The rumor of the week was: 'President Trey is our beloved leader' -- ******************* She/whispered/'Oh/my/goodness/what/are/all/these/squirrels/doing/here?' *******************
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