Quoting Lisa Deutsch Harrigan (l...@harrigan.org):

> Not sure where to put this in our wikipedia article, but File 770
> has a brief article on us http://file770.com/?p=1668 . If nothing
> else, it shows that someone thought we were worthy of a News Report.

What is needed is items that can be credibly maintained to be mentions
in paper media.

Here is an SFGate.com citation of BASFA in a June 26, 2005 article by
reporters Delfin Vigil and Michael Berry about Bay Area bookstores.
It's somewhere between possible and likely that the articles.sfgate.com
item reflects a contemporaneous article in the _S.F. Chronicle_, though
I can't prove that.


It's a pity that the BASFA Web site hasn't kept links to articles that
mention us, as I'm sure there have been a few; they're just challenging
to find.  Our current archive for the mailing list goes back only to
2007.  I've searched the cumulative mbox file
and it has plenty of mentions of magazine articles on a variety of
things, but none about BASFA itself.

Rick Moen                    "People who spell 'voila' as 'viola' should be
r...@linuxmafia.com          responded to with voilence."   -- FakeAPStylebook
McQ!  (4x80)
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