Meeting 1073
February 21, 2011
Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice-President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale
Began at 8:01 p.m. to intercept another argument over the literary merits of 
President and secretary absent
Vice President presiding
Treasurer absent
Adrienne Foster, acting minute taker
11 people attended
With only 11 people present, Fred decided against proposing a party jar. Glenn 
was present, so revenue was generated. (Hope someone remembered to pick up the 
Postponed the reading of minutes from 1072 until next meeting
Proxy treasurer's report is that "We have money."
The VP startled everyone when he said that was no new Drink Tank out that week. 
His computer crashed.
No President’s report
The sports committee proxy reminded everybody about our baseball outing on 
Friday, May 6, at AT&T Park. It is an evening game to celebrate Willie Mays's 
80th b-day and BASFA's name will go on the scoreboard. Tix are $27 each by the 
first base line in the upper level. See Dave G. for tix.
Glenn has read all of Patricia McKillop's published novels.
                He said Condor 18 is happening this weekend, Feb. 25–28, in San 
                He had his gall bladder out.
                He added that L.A. fan Ed Green also works as an actor and can 
be seen in a Rhianna video that's hilarious.
I mentioned that the complete first and second seasons of the UK version of 
Being Human is now available on On Demand, with the exception of the fourth 
episode of season 1. These are uncut and have scenes that were deleted from 
their broadcast on BBC America. Chris followed on that the one missing episode 
has something to do with music copyrights.
Bob said the latest issue of his fanzine, e2PMI, is available at He hopes that will help make up for having no Drink Tank this 
Eric says Firefly is available on cable again. Something was said about the 
Science (not SyFy) Channel.
Howeird said Consonance 2011 is the first weekend in March.
Chris said that Nova Albion, a steampunk convention in Santa Clara, will be the 
last weekend in March.
Ed asked if it was worth announcing that Richard Gruen, who taught computing 
back in the 50s, has died.
Glenn said that Earth Abides, by George Stewart, is one of the worst books he's 
ever read. The only reason he is making the effort to finish it is because it 
the book of honor at Potlatch this year.
                He also gave quick reviews of all the McKillop books he has 
Mike Mc. saw Shaun Tan's animated short, "The Lost Thing," this weekend and 
loved it. It was worth tackling the parking in Downtown San Jose.
I went to marathon of seeing half the nominated movies for the best picture 
Oscar on Saturday. Loved seeing Buzz Lightyear in Spanish mode in Toy Story 3. 
Thought 127 Hours was one of the most boring movies ever and walked out of it 
for a while to buy Mrs. Fields cookies. The Kids Are All Right was all right, 
but had very little Who music. True Grit was very well done and the acting was 
better than what I've seen of the first version. Christian Bale gave an amazing 
performance as a crack addict in The Fighter. From the six nominees I've seen 
far, The King's Speech is my favorite to when. Chris followed on that Inception 
is his favorite.
Diane reviewed Pantheacon as B+. She enjoyed seeing some of the people there 
catching up on gossip. She also enjoyed Crank, by Ellen Hopkins, which 
a lot of comments about Timothy Leery.
Ed saw Snatch and thought it was excellent. He highly recommends it.
Howeird saw The King's Speech and that acting of some of the supporting cast 
below par, even though the principals were awesome. Because of this, he doesn't 
believe it deserves the best picture Oscar. His favorite to win is Inception.
Chris saw the original Solaris with Russian subtitles, which he thought was 
awesome. He said it is the slowest movie in the history of mankind. Despite 
this, it is amazing and impossible to remove your eyes from the screen. Very 
laconic and dense with flipping lights. Well worth watching and better than the 
Soderbergh version.
We did auctions.
Rumor of the Week:
Need a rumor? There's an ap for that.
We adjourned at 9:33 p.m.
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