Meeting 1072

February 14, 2011

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice-President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 fwy),

Began 8pm - with hearts and flowers

34   people attended

we established a Salon Futura jar

Secretary’s report:  the minutes from meeting 1071 were accepted as 'Yarp'

the Treasurer reported that at meeting 1071 we took in $12.25 in the regular
jar & $23.00 in the Salon Futura jar

the Vice President showed us that he has his Nova Award - the first ever to
come to the US - and “Cake!” - plus he is very sleepy and there may be a new
'Drink Tank' out

The President reported that Gallifrey is coming up

The Sports Committee reported that he purchased tickets on the first base
side for the Friday, May 6, 7:15pm Giants game

And the money motion vote was held - to help Doug & Kirsten Berry; we filled
the blank with $1000.00 and voted with yes/no ballots that [tall] Kevin
provided - and it passed:  'So say we all'.

We birthday auctioned off = Joni for $20.00 to herself & birthday auctioned
off Julie Porter for $5.00 to Ed

A motion failed due to BASFA's lack of authority in the matter

Ian Sorensen was named Ambassador to the Cultural Empire

Julie announced that ERRPs will be meeting over at Jerry Nordley's place
tomorrow at 8pm & announced that 'Evil Dead the Musical' will return to the
Willows theatre in Martinez this season

Ken announced that Kenneth Mars died

Dave C announced that he has [tall] Kevin's pen & announced that he has new
Cargo Cult catalogs

[evil] Kevin announced that his dad had a stroke Sunday, but that he is
recovering rapidly & began physical therapy today

[tall] Kevin announced that tonight was the last chance for Hugo nominations
input & announced that he is headed for Oregon for the next 3 weeks

Andy reviewed Wendy Pini's 'Masque of the Red Death' as he has mixed
feelings for it, but still worth reading & reviewed Melodi Festivalen as
mostly pretty good & still worth strealing

I reviewed a sampler of scents from ZOMG as a very
nice website with a fun way to order samples; some I ordered were odd,
others wonderful & none were terrible - a worthwhile place to check out

[tall] Kevin reviewed Corflu as its 28th year & he had fun there & the video
of the play he helped out with should be online - check the link on the
corflu page [] and worth what he paid; Lisa reviewed Corflu
as tons of fun; Fred follow-on'd that he had a good time there; Tom
follow-on'd that the brass sheets were harder than his cobalt drill bit; Ian
commented about the con as another example of cultural imperialism & Julie
commented that heat softens brass

Dav G reviewed the SF Giants' fan fest as he got in and it was a lot of fun
on a gorgeous day & he reviewed the National Ignition Facilitt [aka 'nothing
but lasers'] at the Lawrence Livermore Labs as there were 192 lasers & they
have a free app = search for LLNL & that it was OMGPonies cool!

Ian reviewed a review, secondhand, about 'Harry Potter & the Half Cocked
Prince' as 'dear god why' - but in the best way possible & that it's
gloriously online =

We did auctions:  CDs for $1.00 & $0.25;  a magnet for $1.00;  a teletubby
for $0.25;  a poster for $5.00;  haunted soap & other things for $0.25;  a
DVD for $0.25;  Adrienne-baked goodness for $3.00,   $2.00, & $3.00;  &
books for $2.00, $0.25, $0.25 & $0.25

We adjourned at = 10:07 pm

The rumor of the week was [frelling long]: ......
     'if Chris is BASFA's answer to Columbo, it must've been a damn fool

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