Meeting 1072 February 14, 2011
Trey Haddad, President Chris Garcia, Vice-President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 fwy), Sunnyvale Began 8pm - with hearts and flowers 34 people attended we established a Salon Futura jar Secretary’s report: the minutes from meeting 1071 were accepted as 'Yarp' the Treasurer reported that at meeting 1071 we took in $12.25 in the regular jar & $23.00 in the Salon Futura jar the Vice President showed us that he has his Nova Award - the first ever to come to the US - and “Cake!” - plus he is very sleepy and there may be a new 'Drink Tank' out The President reported that Gallifrey is coming up The Sports Committee reported that he purchased tickets on the first base side for the Friday, May 6, 7:15pm Giants game And the money motion vote was held - to help Doug & Kirsten Berry; we filled the blank with $1000.00 and voted with yes/no ballots that [tall] Kevin provided - and it passed: 'So say we all'. We birthday auctioned off = Joni for $20.00 to herself & birthday auctioned off Julie Porter for $5.00 to Ed A motion failed due to BASFA's lack of authority in the matter Ian Sorensen was named Ambassador to the Cultural Empire Announcements: Julie announced that ERRPs will be meeting over at Jerry Nordley's place tomorrow at 8pm & announced that 'Evil Dead the Musical' will return to the Willows theatre in Martinez this season Ken announced that Kenneth Mars died Dave C announced that he has [tall] Kevin's pen & announced that he has new Cargo Cult catalogs [evil] Kevin announced that his dad had a stroke Sunday, but that he is recovering rapidly & began physical therapy today [tall] Kevin announced that tonight was the last chance for Hugo nominations input & announced that he is headed for Oregon for the next 3 weeks Reviews Andy reviewed Wendy Pini's 'Masque of the Red Death' as he has mixed feelings for it, but still worth reading & reviewed Melodi Festivalen as mostly pretty good & still worth strealing I reviewed a sampler of scents from ZOMG as a very nice website with a fun way to order samples; some I ordered were odd, others wonderful & none were terrible - a worthwhile place to check out [tall] Kevin reviewed Corflu as its 28th year & he had fun there & the video of the play he helped out with should be online - check the link on the corflu page [] and worth what he paid; Lisa reviewed Corflu as tons of fun; Fred follow-on'd that he had a good time there; Tom follow-on'd that the brass sheets were harder than his cobalt drill bit; Ian commented about the con as another example of cultural imperialism & Julie commented that heat softens brass Dav G reviewed the SF Giants' fan fest as he got in and it was a lot of fun on a gorgeous day & he reviewed the National Ignition Facilitt [aka 'nothing but lasers'] at the Lawrence Livermore Labs as there were 192 lasers & they have a free app = search for LLNL & that it was OMGPonies cool! Ian reviewed a review, secondhand, about 'Harry Potter & the Half Cocked Prince' as 'dear god why' - but in the best way possible & that it's gloriously online = We did auctions: CDs for $1.00 & $0.25; a magnet for $1.00; a teletubby for $0.25; a poster for $5.00; haunted soap & other things for $0.25; a DVD for $0.25; Adrienne-baked goodness for $3.00, $2.00, & $3.00; & books for $2.00, $0.25, $0.25 & $0.25 We adjourned at = 10:07 pm The rumor of the week was [frelling long]: ...... 'if Chris is BASFA's answer to Columbo, it must've been a damn fool question' -- ******************* She/whispered/'Oh/my/goodness/what/are/all/these/squirrels/doing/here?' *******************
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