Meeting 1066 January 3, 2011
Trey Haddad, President Chris Garcia, Vice-President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp, Sargeant at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 fwy), Sunnyvale Began at 8 pm ... hastily 20 people attended It was moved and poassed that BASFA will invade England in 2014 we established a Salon Futura jar Secretary’s report: reading the minutes from meeting 1065 was postponed the Treasurer reported that at meeting 1065 we took in $5.00 in the regular jar & $2.15 in the Salon Futura jar the Vice President said a new 'Drink Tank' is out & available on and the 'Drink Tank' podcast review of books is also out The President had nothing fannish to report REPOSTED REMINDER: our Hugo nomination discussions be held on Jan 24, 31 & on February 7 – and we ask that BASFAns show restraint in not bringing in auction items on those nights The Sports Committee[ish] suggested that we buy a block of tickets to the May 6th, Friday, Giants home game to help celebrate Willie Mays' birthday Announcements: Lisa ann'd that today is JRRTolkien's birthday and suggested we rise for a celebratory toast at 9pm, which is the idea of the British Tolkien society [evil] Kevin announced that the December issue of 'Yipe' is out & they are looking for content for next issue Carole announced that a Steampunk con in San Diego will be held over the May 6th weekend Adrienne announced that ... no, nothing here, move along ... [because then the secretary will be able to buy all of Adrienne's cookies that she is baking for BASFA auction] Howeird announced that Anne Francis died & that Stanford is winning the Orange Bowl so far Jo announced that he has a laser jet printer for sale with a broken fuser Dave C announced the passing of kodachrome Chris announced that Jan 30 he will publish the giant-sized issue of the 'Drink Tank' Reviews Chris reviewed season 3 of the Venture Brothers as Biblical in scope & reviewed a Tokyo wrestling match as awesome & included midgets & a carnival – then he reviewed 'Ring' by Stephen Baxter as a little high concept for him but still decent Adrienne reviewed 'The Tourist' as she was disappointed with the scripting & was in denial that the ending was so predictable Trey reviewed the 'Tron' reboot as having spectacular visuals, but the movie left him feeling hollow and disconnected – worth matinee Jo reviewed the House of Spike party as great costumes, poor scripting & as worth full price as long as you were drinking Then we did auctions – books and coffee stuff for $0.50, an espresso pot for $0.25; magazines for Chris for $0.25; PSP games for $0.25; a calculator for $0.25; DVDs for $0.50; CDs for $0.25; books for $0.25, $1.00; books and other stuff for $0.25, $2.50; a calender for $7.00; & other stuff for $1.00 We adjourned at = 9:23 pm The rumor of the week was: 'All is discovered. Flee at once!' -- ******************* She/whispered/'Oh/my/goodness/what/are/all/these/squirrels/doing/here?' *******************
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