Meeting 1053

October 4, 2010

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice-President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sargeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 fwy),

Began at 8 pm

23   people attended

Secretary’s report: the minutes from meeting 1052 were accepted as 'playoff

Treasurer's report was that last week we took in $23.35 in the regular jar

the Vice President was not here

The President had nothing fannish to report

Diane announced that she is gainfully unemployed and ecstatic; plus if
anyone needs an admin, she's here

Dave C announced that after months of negotiation, he has the new Terry
Pratchett book & also announced that Tony Curtis had died

Adrienne announced that there'll be an Oct 8-10 Beatles Fest West at the
Scottish Rites Center in SF

?? announced that Steve Alten's new book will be 'Grim Reaper, End of Days'

Spring announced that James Gurney [the guy who did 'Dinotopia'] will be
doing a lecture Wednesday at the CA College of the Arts

Ed announced that he is now employed and doing something amazing

Andy announced that Oct 14-16 at the Santa Clara convention center will be
the Pacific International Quilt Fest

Josh announced that Zack Snyder may be doing the new Superman movie

Adrienne reviewed 'Law and Order UK' as interesting with fun accents

Ed reviewed 'The Fuller Memorandum' by Charles Stross as a Laundry book and
much darker in tone than the other 2

Andy reviewed the October Peers Dance 'the Evil League of Evil Ball'  as it
was packed and an absolute utter blast and worth absolutely full price

Dave C reviewed 'Sharktopus' as sooooo bad, so he reviewed 'Hot Fuzz'
instead – a movie so nice, he watched it twice

Sarah reviewed seeing 'Metropolis' as most of the movie is intact now, it's
worth full price and seeing it is breath-taking; Josh follow-on'd that
seeing it this time that the movie finally made sense to him

Jo reviewed 'The Town' [or as he put it, 'some movie'] as a rather good
film, well-directed and he enjoyed it; Dave C follow-on'd, giving props to
Ben Affleck; then Jo reviewed Highway 9 at night on a motorcycles as not fun
& reviewed his Monday nights now as mostly full

Dann reviewed 'Rock and Roll Wrestling Women vs the Aztec Ape' as
brain-damaging & warns us against watching it, then Mo follow-on'd that she
loves this movie

Trey reviewed Gail Carriger's books, 'Souless', 'Changeless' and 'Blameless'
as steampunk, parasol fantasy – and engaging and worth his time to read

Then we did auctions – videotapes for $5.00 & $0.25;  books for $0.75,
$0.25, $0.15, & $0.25;  magazines for $0.50 & $0.50;  address books for
$0.20 & $1.00 & a pirate flag for $3.50

The rumor of the week was: 'the moon is a harsh rumor'

We adjourned at = 9:20 pm

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