Meeting 1053 October 4, 2010
Trey Haddad, President Chris Garcia, Vice-President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp, Sargeant at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 fwy), Sunnyvale Began at 8 pm 23 people attended Secretary’s report: the minutes from meeting 1052 were accepted as 'playoff bound' Treasurer's report was that last week we took in $23.35 in the regular jar the Vice President was not here The President had nothing fannish to report Announcements: Diane announced that she is gainfully unemployed and ecstatic; plus if anyone needs an admin, she's here Dave C announced that after months of negotiation, he has the new Terry Pratchett book & also announced that Tony Curtis had died Adrienne announced that there'll be an Oct 8-10 Beatles Fest West at the Scottish Rites Center in SF ?? announced that Steve Alten's new book will be 'Grim Reaper, End of Days' Spring announced that James Gurney [the guy who did 'Dinotopia'] will be doing a lecture Wednesday at the CA College of the Arts Ed announced that he is now employed and doing something amazing Andy announced that Oct 14-16 at the Santa Clara convention center will be the Pacific International Quilt Fest Josh announced that Zack Snyder may be doing the new Superman movie Reviews: Adrienne reviewed 'Law and Order UK' as interesting with fun accents Ed reviewed 'The Fuller Memorandum' by Charles Stross as a Laundry book and much darker in tone than the other 2 Andy reviewed the October Peers Dance 'the Evil League of Evil Ball' as it was packed and an absolute utter blast and worth absolutely full price Dave C reviewed 'Sharktopus' as sooooo bad, so he reviewed 'Hot Fuzz' instead – a movie so nice, he watched it twice Sarah reviewed seeing 'Metropolis' as most of the movie is intact now, it's worth full price and seeing it is breath-taking; Josh follow-on'd that seeing it this time that the movie finally made sense to him Jo reviewed 'The Town' [or as he put it, 'some movie'] as a rather good film, well-directed and he enjoyed it; Dave C follow-on'd, giving props to Ben Affleck; then Jo reviewed Highway 9 at night on a motorcycles as not fun & reviewed his Monday nights now as mostly full Dann reviewed 'Rock and Roll Wrestling Women vs the Aztec Ape' as brain-damaging & warns us against watching it, then Mo follow-on'd that she loves this movie Trey reviewed Gail Carriger's books, 'Souless', 'Changeless' and 'Blameless' as steampunk, parasol fantasy – and engaging and worth his time to read Then we did auctions – videotapes for $5.00 & $0.25; books for $0.75, $0.25, $0.15, & $0.25; magazines for $0.50 & $0.50; address books for $0.20 & $1.00 & a pirate flag for $3.50 The rumor of the week was: 'the moon is a harsh rumor' We adjourned at = 9:20 pm -- ******************* She/whispered/'Oh/my/goodness/what/are/all/these/squirrels/doing/here?' *******************
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