Hello BangPypers,

We’re excited to announce that the BangPypers October meetup will be
held at the Postman office[1] on 19th October from 10:30AM!

We’ve lined up three great talks, covering GenAI, Core Python, and API
performance testing. Here’s the agenda:
1. Fictional Commentator using Streamlit + Google’s Vertex AI [2] -
Indivar Mishra
2. pip install: New Syntax [3] - Tushar Sadhwani
3. Performance Testing in Postman [4] - Shreyas Panduranga

For the detailed schedule, please check out our Meetup page [5]. We
also have slots for Lightning Talks—short, 5-minute presentations.
It’s a great opportunity to share something interesting you’ve learned
in Python recently with the community!

Interested? Make sure to RSVP on our Meetup page [5]. If you’ve RSVP’d
yes but your plans have changed, please update your RSVP to open up
spots for others.

Can’t wait to see you all there for an incredible session!

[1] https://maps.app.goo.gl/DBenpUAy45zDokXV7
[2] https://github.com/bangpypers/meetup-talks/issues/39
[3] https://github.com/bangpypers/meetup-talks/issues/35
[4] https://github.com/bangpypers/meetup-talks/issues/41
[5] https://www.meetup.com/bangpypers/events/302176933

Best regards,
NVS Abhilash
BangPypers mailing list

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