Hello all

This is a reminder mail for PyFlames happening tomorrow (August 7).

PyFlames is a mega event happening with the collaboration of multiple
communities all across the country.

10:30 - 11:15: Panel Discussion - Learning and Experience being part
of the community
Panel Members:
- Anand Pillai (@skeptichacker)
- Anand Chitipothu (@anandology)
- Noufal Ibrahim (@noufalibrahim)
- Vandana Verma Sehgal (@InfosecVandana)
- Moderator: Abhiram R (@abhicantdraw)
11:15 - 11:20: Break
11:20 - 12:10: Lightning Talks by communities
- Accessing routers via telegram bots using python by Shreyas Kapale
- Python typing koans by Krace Kumar
- MetaPy - Your Python's MotaBhai by Jatin Goel
- Journey from India to the rest of the world by Vandana Verma Sehgal
12:10 - 12:15: Break
12:15 - 1:15: Poster Presentation and Networking
- Voice Assistant using Python
- Feature Stores for Machine Learning
- Introduction to distributed computation using dask
- Data Labeling with Doccano
- easyAI (Three Men’s Morris)
- Top Billboards Data Analysis Using Streamlit Framework

RSVP can be done on the meetup platform.

The event link will be available on the meetup page after RSVP.

Kumar Anirudha
BangPypers mailing list

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