
Call for In-kind Sponsors is now open for PyCon India 2021[0]

Organizations with an interest in contributing and adding value to the
event and Python community can come forward to make the most out of
this opportunity.

What are In-kind Sponsors?
In-kind sponsorship is a type of sponsorship where the sponsor agrees
to provide swags (either physical or virtual, value-in-kind) instead
of cash as part of the sponsorship agreement with PyCon India. These
swags or the benefits would be made directly available to PyCon India
2021 attendees.

What's in it for the sponsors?
This act of goodwill while giving back to the community helps sponsors
increase their brand exposure and elevate their business identity
within the Python community.

Interested in applying for the In-Kind Sponsorship?
Check out our call for In-kind Sponsors blog[0] and fill the form [1.]

[0] https://in.pycon.org/blog/2021/call-for-in-kind-sponsors.html
[1] https://forms.gle/4tfmaAfdsHPnQ37y7

Quick Summary:

PyCon India 2021 is happening online from 17th Sep, 2021 to 20th Sep, 2021.

* WorkShop Days: 17th Sep, 2021
* Conference Days: 18th-19th Sep, 2021
* DevSprints Days: 20th Sep, 2021

Conference tickets are open now, Grab it from here: https://in.pycon.org/2021/

Have any questions or suggestions, Do reach out to us on Zulip:


Chandan Kumar
BangPypers mailing list

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