> Stopped to ask do we have  recommendations of any open source Android
> Mobile Device Management framework developed in Python which can probably
> interact with Google play EMM APIs.

MDM's i have come across are mostly proprietary , even the ones who claim
to be OpenSource limit the number of users and devices in the
community edition aka OpenSource  versions or limit the features .

this one looks like a good option https://github.com/flyve-mdmi have not
tried myself though

> Requirement is for a foundation to rollout a data entry app to Health
> workers. Primary intention is to track the devices & push newer version of
> Apps

What are you using to capture data for Health Workers ? worked on a similar
project so glad to take offline and help you if you need any.

Satyakam.dev | afrost.org | fossevents.in <http://www.fossevents.in>
** For all official purposes use my name as Satyakam Goswami **
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