Hi all, May's Bangpypers session will be a *workshop on Flask* taught by Vinay Keerthi. You may remember him from hits like "Shelfie" at Bangpypers and at Pycon India 2019 - https://youtu.be/aEYftBZz6ag <https://youtu.be/aEYftBZz6ag>. Yes,yes, Miguel Grinberg's docs <https://blog.miguelgrinberg.com/post/the-flask-mega-tutorial-part-i-hello-world> are amazing to learn Flask from and I highly recommend it! But we always learn a little better when we learn from someone we can see do things and be able to ask them, don't we :)
So if you want to learn the basics of Flask and want to see it be applied in an application (which isn't Polls ;) ), RSVP right here - https://www.meetup.com/BangPypers/events/kswpqqybchbvb/ Given that this is an online event, we have the luxury of not limiting the number of people who Can attend the event. And you have the luxury of attending it from home! (Let's put a positive spin on this bleak situation, shall we). *Venue:* Online. We'll send out the meetup link closer to the event. *Date:* 23rd May 2020 *Time:* 10.30 AM - 1.30 PM *Agenda and resources to pre-setup:* Will be announced soon *Again, RSVP Link:* https://www.meetup.com/BangPypers/events/kswpqqybchbvb/ *What do you need to know to attend this workshop?* Python Working knowledge of APIs <http://www.looah.com/source/view/2284> (Basic understanding is sufficient) For more API resources check this out - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkKcdK1u95s (This channel says JavaBrains , but Koushik is pretty amazing for API teachings. We don't discriminate in knowledge sources) For any doubts, please mail me - Abhiram at abhi.darkn...@gmail.com, Kumar Anirudha at anirudhast...@gmail.com or Ritesh Agrawal at udr.rit...@gmail.com Cheers Abhiram R <https://abhiramr.com> Co-Organizer, Bangpypers _______________________________________________ BangPypers mailing list BangPypers@python.org https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/bangpypers