Hi all, 🐍
After a break in October, that we hope you all took to engage in learnings
from Pycon India 2019 <https://in.pycon.org/2019/>, It's time for
November's Bangpypers meetup and RSVPs are now open[1]
The theme this time is the Web - frameworks mostly - Django and Flask.

*Who is it for?*
The set of talks this time will cater to anyone who's a beginner to or is
intermediately familiar with Django and/or Flask.
*Please RSVP at https://www.meetup.com/BangPypers/events/kswpqqyzpbvb/
<https://www.meetup.com/BangPypers/events/kswpqqyzpbvb/> if you intend to
attend the meetup.*

*When is it?*
23rd November, from 10.30 AM - 1 PM (Saturday)


10.30 - 11.15 AM -  REST API's in Flask - Mayank Pathak

11.15 - 12.00 PM - What makes Python and Django cool - Shankar Jha

12-12.15 PM - Break
12.15-1 PM - When Django Superheroes work Asynchronously - Arun Ravindran


*Cyware Labs*


If you have any doubts, feel free to contact me (i.e Abhiram
abhi.darkn...@gmail.com), Kumar Anirudha (anirudhast...@gmail.com) or
Ritesh Agrawal (udr.rit...@gmail.com).


Abhiram R <https://abhiramr.com/>
(Co-Organizer, Bangpypers)

[1] https://www.meetup.com/BangPypers/events/kswpqqyzpbvb/

PS - The awesome Pycon India 2019 team has uploaded all the videos from the
event and you can access them all here -
BangPypers mailing list

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