Hi all,
Hasgeek's annual AI and DL conference - Anthill Inside is happening on the
23rd of November. Here's a brief from them on what it's all about -

> *How does AI assist investors in decision-making? *Few months ago, we saw
> this tweet from Nasim Nicolas Taleb: https://twitter.com/nntaleb/
> status/1155823345193107456
> He was referring to Neotic.ai's work and how the data scientists were
> producing entropy maps from the city of Tripoli. Later, we discovered that
> Neotic.ai's work with AI for hedge fund investment decisions is actually
> being used by European investors. Fascinated? Meet Dr. Mira Abboud, CTO of
> Neotic.ai at Anthill Inside where she tells us how Neotic's work.

> Date: 23 November
> Venue: Taj M G Road
> Schedule and tickets: <http://goog_980747969/>https://
> hasgeek.com/anthillinside/2019/schedule

> Anthill Inside is a conference for data scientists, ML/DL/AI engineers and
> product managers on:
> 1. Application of AI in real-world scenarios such as fintech, document
> digitization, Robotics governance and society.
> 2. Learning from practical insights regarding data modelling, data
> annotations, testing and debugging ML models.
> Other speakers at the conference include Willem Piennar from GO-JEK,
> Nischal HP from Omni.us, Nishant Sinha from OffNote Labs, Vinodh R from
> Belong.co and others. Learn about practical applications of Reinforcement
> Learning, Bayesian Networks, and other aspects of AI and Deep Learning.

> Workshops on Bayesian Networks, Reinforcement Learning, RNNs, testing ML
> models and other such topics have been announced on hasgeek
> .com/anthillinside

> For queries about the conference and workshops, write to i...@hasgeek.com
> or call 7676332020

*As a community gesture, Hasgeek has provided members of BangPypers a 10%
discount on conference passes that can be availed through this URL:
Abhiram R <http://abhiramr.com>
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