Hi all,
Arvind Padmanabhan of Devopedia is going to be running a Hacktoberfest
session tomorrow. Details regarding the meetup and link to RSVP -
https://www.meetup.com/Devopedia/events/265309414/ . If you're unfamiliar
with Hacktoberfest, it's an online opensource contribution fest conducted
by Digital Ocean every year. More details available here -
https://hacktoberfest.digitalocean.com/ .
6 of the projects facilitated for this event are in Python and will
therefore be a great value-add,in my opinion, to anyone who wants to learn
how to contribute to open source, as well as get more practice coding in
Python towards a goal as well. So, I urge you to register for this event
and derive value out of it!

If you attend it, let Bangpypers know what you thought of the event by
replying to @__bangpypers__ on Twitter :)

Abhiram R <http://abhiramr.com>
Co-Organizer, Bangpypers
BangPypers mailing list

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