Hi BangPypers,

India's most loved hackathon <https://devfolio.co/blog/inout-throwback/>,
InOut is back. Applications for the hackathon are open on Devfolio
<http://devfolio.co> and the response has been tremendous
<https://twitter.com/hackinoutco/status/1176467307251396609?s=20>, to say
the least!

This will be the sixth edition handcrafted by the team behind popular
hackathons such wmn;  <http://wmn.community>and ETHIndia
<http://ethindia.co> and the first with a conference as well. If you're
even remotely interested in hacking along with the most creative bunch of
hackers in India, taking home tons of schwag, winning the coolest prizes,
apply now!

*Applications for the hackathon close on 5th October, 11:59 PM. *

*Check it out*: https://hackinout.co

*Venue:* MLR Convention Centre, JP Nagar

*Dates: *19-20 October 2019

Though hackathons have long been perceived as being for only students, we
find that an increasing number of professionals are becoming interested in
participating in them. It's an effective way to keep up with the latest
tech in the industry and a satisfying outlet for creative energies.

Still, don't think the hackathon is your cup of tea? Hear some of the best
minds <https://twitter.com/hackinoutco/status/1174636797361410049?s=20> in
the tech industry speak at the conference on the first day. *It's open for
all to attend by getting free tickets through the website.*

*Grab them here* - https://devfolio.co/inout2019/ticket

We hope this gets you as excited as we are for InOut 6.0, can't wait to
host the BangPypers community there. :)
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